Dangers ❤f love (a Tveit Seyfried Barks & Redmanye love story)

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Part 1

Chapter 1: Meeting Marius

Prospective: Samantha Barks

How strange it feels my first day on set! I can't wait to meet my fellow cast mates! I wonder if they feel the same way I do? Who's that? (Bump in) "ow!" "Sorry my name is marius potmercy. I mean Eddie redmanye sorry I have been practicing a heart full of love." "It's fine I'm ok" I said taking his hand as he pulled me up. "So I'm guessing your marius?" I asked Eddie "yes you must be cosette because you are so beautiful" "oh uumm no actually I'm eponine or Samantha barks but you can call me Sam." I was still shocked by his last comment." While Sam I look forward to working with you" he said taking my hand and kissing it. I blushed "you to.... Eddie" I said as we parted. What a strange man. I hope filming is not this bad. While it looks as if I spoke to soon the day got no better when filming the end of one day more Eddie kept glancing at me. When he was suppost to be dreaming cosette he was staring at me! Please don't continue marius! While again I spoke to soon I found a HUGE basket in my trailer after filming from Eddie! I think cosette hates me for distracting Eddie from her! He has to like cosette he can't like me!!!!

Chapter 2: a little steeler

Prospective: Amanda Seyfried

While first day of filming how fun! I'm so excited to meet the cast! I researched every part to know who I'm working with but when I found marius I fell in love! Oh look there he is now I will go say hi! "Wait Samantha your both going to crash!" But neither of them heard me. And you would not believe what he said to her! He said " you must be cosette because you are beautiful" WHAT!!!!!!!! I'm cosette that little I WILL get Eddie back!!!!!!! I wanted to scream but I stayed hidden and quiet, so no one would know I was listening. I was ready to run out there and rip Sam's Head of when he kissed her hand!!!!! How could this day get any worse?!!? While my question was answered!! Eddie stared at her the WHOLE time! I glared at Sam to let her know I didn't like her. I think she got it. And at the same time enjorlas was staring at me later he came up to me and stared flirting with me 😱!!!!!!!!!!!! He can't do that he can't like anyone Eddie has to like me not Sam and Sam has to like marius! But marius can't like her back!!!!!! But I think I saw her staring at enjorlas! This could make things ... Fun!

Chapter 3: shocking news

Prospective: Aaron Tveit

Wow! What a day! First day of filming crazy day! Let me recap you real quick. This morning I ran into Amanda! And I don't think it is good how I kept studering and looking into her pale blue eyes they were like some sort of trap that is impossible to escape! NO NO NO NO NO!!!!! I can't fall for her she is cosette!!!!!! I'm enjorlas I can't I won't!!!! But her eyes and that hair!☺ NO aaron stay focused!!! I was staring at her all the way through one day more! I could not keep my eyes off her! I was so embarrassed when she turned around to find me staring at her! Oh look here she is now! Stay cool aaron! "Uh hh...ii Amandada" I said darn you aaron. "so ho...how is yo...your day go...going?" I asked embarrassed again. "While it had its ups and downs but I have some... News for you." "Uh o... ok" I answered. Amanda took my hand and I almost fainted! She lead me away down the hall of the hotel where she made sure no one was there. Then she let go of my hand and the real world back to my head. Looking around for the tenth time she said, "Samantha, Samantha Barks you know her right, she eponie?" "Uh... Ye...yea" "good so she has a BIG like major crush on you" she said with a satisfied look. "But you did NOT hear it from me. Ok?" For a moment I stud there trying to take it all in. Then (so I didn't look like a fool) I managed to get out "o...ok...k" as she started back toward her room. A couple minutes past as I just stud there trying to comprehended. Samantha! Sam barks! A crush! On me!!!! Then I started slowly back to my room, hoping tomorrow would be better.

Dangers ❤f love (a Tveit, Seyfried, Barks, & Redmanye love story)Where stories live. Discover now