A Madness to Their Methods

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[Scene: New Yoke City, night]

[Inside a ruined city, a few kids play around the area.]
Rebel Rouge: [Relaxed] Can you believe it? This is everything we hoped for.
Renegade Knucks: Kids playin' with busted up Eggforcers?
Rebel Rouge: Not that. Freedom. With the Chaos Council gone, we can finally make New Yoke City what we want, what its citizens deserve... return our home to what it was. All the trees...
Renegade Knucks: And the beaches... [They hear a rumble and look up at the sky. A Portal opens. They brace themselves.]
Renegade Knucks: This can't be good.
[They both make their way to the top of a building for a closer look at the portal. The Mother Ship appears out of it, with Captain Dread clinging on to the edge of the aircraft.]
Captain Dread: [Grunting] This be more... than I bargained for!
[He falls off and screams while the camera cuts to Sonic And Mane 7 - also clinging on.]
Sonic: Dread? Dreaaaad!
Zipp: What Are You In New Yoke City?!
[Sonic And Mane 7 leaps off and approaches to Captain Dread's level while falling. They hold hands. Sonic And Mane 7 spins Captain Dread around and tosses him towards a building, landing safely. Meanwhile, Sonic And Mane 7 loses control and falls into the trash skip - with the lid closing above Them.
Sonic: Yuck!
[Captain Dread gets up and stares at the still-airborne Spaceship, growling.]
Captain Dread: Me beauty. [The Spaceship beeps while it attempts to land inside the pod, with Mr. Dr. Eggman as pilot. It lands perfectly, lighting up New Yoke City, Renegade Knucks and Rebel Rouge are dismayed.]
Rebel Rouge: No...
Renegade Knucks: So much for everything we hoped for.
[The camera cuts to some kids playing with Eggforcer parts. However, the robots become rejuvenated, forcing them to stand back.]
Denizen Wolf: Sorry, Mr. Eggforcer.
[The two rebels are spied upon by Eggforcers.]
Renegade Knucks: Oh, coconuts.
[The opening theme plays]

[Scene Change: Inside the Spaceship, night]

Mr. Dr. Eggman: [Relaxed] Ah, can't you just taste the soot and ozone.
Dr. Done-It: [Grunting disgustingly] We never should've left it in the hands of these ignorant peasants!
Mr. Dr. Eggman: [Angrily] But we've already discussed this! [Normally] Leaving to gather three Shards was the prudent decision. Now we'll be powerful enough to make short work of them.
Dr. Done-It: You know I can't plan for a shatterversal domination with all those rebellion ingrates making a rocket! And didn't that dag-blasted rebellion start in your neighborhood?
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Rebels joined from all five districts. Besides, their hideout was in Deep's district.
Dr. Babble: We should just burn your district to ash!
Dr. Don't: Someone needs to feed the baby. He's cranky.
Dr. Deep: Save this negative energy for later. Each of us has to clean up his own house, so we can make a beautiful mess of reality.
[Dr. Babble starts yelling. Dr. Deep hands him a pyramid-shaped juice box to use as a baby bottle.]
[Scene Change: New Yoke City, night]

[Residents are running away from an onslaught of Eggforcers terrorizing the place. Renegade Knucks fends off a few of them with his fists.]
Renegade Knucks: Rescue op, street side, now!
[They see two kids being cornered by two Eggforcers. Rebel Rouge swoops down and kicks the robots away with her feet. She takes the kids up to safety. Meanwhile, Sonic And Mane 7 starts searching around the place, looking for Captain Dread.]
Sonic: Dread? Dread? Dread? Where are you?
Zipp: Where Are You?!
[Behind Them, He And Mane 7 hears and sees smashed robot parts flung up in the air, followed by Rebel Rouge carrying the two kids.]
Sonic: It's the rebels!
[Rouge takes out another robot then lands the kids to a safe place. She returns to Renegade Knucks.]
Renegade Knucks: It's madness out here.
Rebel Rouge: It's hopeless.
[They are approached by three more Eggforcers, but are instantly wiped out by Sonic's And Mane 7 Spin Attack And Magic Attacks. Sonic And Mane 7 returns to meet them, standing on top of the rail.]
Sonic: Missed us?
[The rebels become annoyed.]
Rebel Rouge: Sonic Mane 7?
Renegade Knucks: I shoulda known when everything went bad, that you're all show up.
Sonic: Hey, We here to help!
Pipp: Yes!
Rebel Rouge: Except you all always seem to make things worse.
[An Eggforcer slams into Sonic And Mane 7, but he And Mane 7 dodges. He And Mane 7 prepares a Spin Dash And Spin Magic on top of the downed Eggforcer to break it.]
[Scene Change: Spaceship.]

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