Double Trouble

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[Scene: New Yoke City]

[A mysterious robot steps out, approaching three of the members of the Resistance...]
Chaos Sonic: Heads up, furbag!
[...and charges straight towards Sonic And Mane 7, punching Them and sending Them flying to a wall. The other two Resistance members jump back in fear.]
(Sunny Cutie Mark Glowng And Turns Her Alicorn Form And Sunset Fly Next To Her Sister)
Sonic: [Surprised] Is that a... knockoff Us?
Zipp: It Can Talk Like You?
[The robot grabs onto Sonic And Mane 7.]
Chaos Sonic: "Knockoff"?! Oof, that stings! [Winks and taps his metallic head] From the top of my titanium reinforced head to my industrial-grade tookus! [Throws Sonic And Mane 7 up to a ceiling. He And Mane 7 begins to fall back down, to which the other two Resistance members join forces again, about to attack the robot, but he kicks Sonic And Mane 7 away, and knocks down both of the other Resistance members at the same time. The robot does a hand-stand and winks again. Sonic And Mane 7 gets thrown to a far edge of the Yoke HQ, and almost falls off.]
Sonic: [Maintaining Their balance] Woah, woah, woah! [Looks at the robot.]
Pipp: What Is Your Name?!
Chaos Sonic: The name is Chaos Sonic. Like regular Sonic And Mane 7, but with twice the charm [Winks] and none of the FAILURE!
Sonic: Failure? You've got the wrong hedgehog And Poines, pal!
Chaos Sonic: Au contraire, blue-hair! I know a fox that might disagree with all you.
Renegade Knucks: Another trap... I know that fox would set us up!
Sonic: That's a lie!
Izzy:Nine didn't Doing This!
Chaos Sonic: I was not programmed to lie! [Jumps towards Sonic And Mane 7 from a far distance and punches Them]
[The opening theme plays]
[Scene: New Yoke City, flashback]

[The caption BEFORE appears on the screen. In a flashback to New Yoke City, Eggforcers can be seen pushing down trees to re-build what once resembled Green Hill into an entire city. Some of the trees being pushed hit Rebel Rouge, causing her to be pushed alongside the trees. The other citizens begin to run away in fear, while some Security Drones begin to pick them up to stop them from getting away.]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: To New Yoke City!
[Dr. Done-It laughs.]
[Scene: Yoke HQ]

[The Chaos Council can be seen watching a video monitor that is recording the process of the damage being done to the world around them.]
Dr. Done-It: The seed from which our empire will someday bloom. [The Chaos Council all cheer and dine their cups of coffee together for a toast] Cheers! [Dr. Done-It and Dr. Babble drink from their cups] Now, first things first...
[Mr. Dr. Eggman taps a stick onto his cup, interrupting Dr. Done-It as Dr. Babble wipes some coffee off his face. Mr. Dr. Eggman clears his throat.]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: As Mayor, President, Chief, Superintendent, High Chancellor--
[Dr. Deep spits out his coffee. He then throws his cup away.]
Dr. Deep: Who died and made you Emperor Egg?!
Mr. Dr. Eggman: No one. Yet. But since we can all agree [Points to Dr. Done-It] he's too old for the job--
Dr. Done-It: [Scoffs] Too old?! [Mumbles] Horsefeathers! [Begins to fire up lasers into the tennis balls at the end of his walking cane. He aims the cane to Mr. Dr. Eggman.]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Not so fast! [Points a device to Dr. Done-It] Or you really will be ancient history.
Dr. Done-It: I oughta teach you to respect your elders-- [Coughs]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Ugh? See? My point exactly. All in favor of me ruling the city, say aye.
Dr. Deep: And let you doom us to mediocrity? Hardly. Leadership requires vision--
Dr. Don't: Guess that rules you out.
Dr. Deep: You think you could run a city?
Dr. Don't: [Turns away] Better than you.
Dr. Deep: Why you--
[Dr. Deep gets out some weapons resembling shurikens. Suddenly, Dr. Don't begins controlling an Eggforcer and stands up in his seat, forcing Dr. Deep to lower his weapon.]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: [Scoffs] You can't even run the dishwasher.
Dr. Don't: [Mockingly] "You can't even run the dishwasher." That's what you sound like.
Mr. Dr. Eggman: [Gasps] Don't you take that tone with me!
Dr. Don't: You're not my dad!
[Mr. Dr. Eggman turns to Dr. Done-It, who is still firing up lasers in the tennis balls at the end of his walking cane.]
Dr. Done-It: Yeah, don't tell us what to do!
[Mr. Dr. Eggman, Dr. Deep, Dr. Don't & Dr. Done-It are all shown in four different screens, angrily mumbling at each other. All of a sudden, the screens break apart, as Dr. Babble raises his arms in the air.]
Dr. Babble: [Babbles, unintelligible monologue. He places his hands onto different parts of his eating tray.]
Dr. Done-It: [To Dr. Babble] Oh, you mean... divide the city?
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Five sectors. One for each of us.
Dr. Deep: The baby has a point. Surely a council of equals is preferable to total chaos?
Dr. Babble: [Babbles]
[The camera cuts to an outside view of the Yoke HQ. Security Drones are seen flying around.]
Dr. Done-It: [Offscreen] Conquer then divide? So be it.
[The caption NOW appears on the screen, with the time skipping to the present. The camera cuts back to inside the Yoke HQ. Eggforcers can be seen blasting lasers at Renegade Knucks and Rebel Rouge, but they fight back using their own laser guns.]
Renegade Knucks: Looks like your pal... [Groans] ...set us up! [Runs outside, with Rebel Rouge following behind]
[Scene: Outside the Yoke HQ]

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