Ghost of a Chance

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[Scene: Ghost Hill]

[The Chaos Council's giant aircraft appears. Eggforcers are lined up together. Dr. Babble presses keys on his keypad, along with a few other members. The camera cuts to Mr. Dr. Eggman looking down at his 'henchmen'.]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Crush everything in your path until you find the Shards!
[The Eggforcers and the two ally aircrafts swarm down onto the landscape. They all walk, thumping the land as they do so. Sonic And Mane 7 and Shadow watch over them.]
Sunset: Oh No!
Sonic: [sighs] Don't you just hate this part? The buildup? Shadow and Sonic And Mane 7 versus unbeatable odds, with the fate of the world at stake. Like, let's just get on with it already! Hey, I'm not gonna be the one who pulls a hammy.
Shadow: What about him? [Referring to Tails Nine as the camera pans to the temple's entrance and cuts to him configuring a shard.] We can't just leave him alone with the Prism Shards.
Zipp: Don't Worry Nine Is Put Prism Back To Together!
Sonic: Uh, yes we can. Seeing as he's the only one who can put them back together, and, y'know, fix reality? You really don't trust him, do you?
Shadow: No.
Sonic: Of course you don't. You don't trust anyone. You wanna stay here and babysit? Fine. Knock yourself out. We gonna go buy us some time.
Sunny: Come On!
(Sunny Cutie Mark Glowng And Turns Her Alicorn Form)
[They jumps down, with Shadow looking on grimacing, then also jumps down.]
[The opening theme plays]

Sonic: Well, look who couldn't resist a team-up.
[The camera zooms out to reveal Shadow running with Sonic And Mane 7.]
Shadow: Hardly. Have you all seen what happens when you all go it alone? [Dashes off]
Sonic: [Shouting] You mean landslide victory? Someone sounds jealous!
[They both encounter Eggforcers. Shadow punches one from mid-air, while Sonic And Mane 7 leapfrogs over Them and kicks another. Shadow stomps on two more before punching another one. Sonic And Mane 7 punches one, does a relaxed pose while hitting the next one and overhead kicks another one. Shadow takes one of the broken Eggforcers with his shoes up in the air and corrals it into another one. He then stomps another three. Sonic And Mane 7 defeats another three before two more collide together in mid-air. They all meet each other.]
[Scene Change: Yoke HQ]

Mr. Dr. Eggman: [Shocked after seeing Shadow] Oh. My. EGG!
Dr. Don't: There's two of him now?! Impossible!
[Dr. Babble babbles confusedly. The camera cuts to Sonic And Mane 7 and Shadow's footage on the monitor.]
Dr. Deep: After all this dimension-hopping, nothing should surprise you.
Dr. Done-It: So what if there's two of 'em? Two means twice as easy to hit!
Mr. Dr. Eggman: No... It means our task just got far more difficult! [Types on the keyboard.] Diverting stored Shard energy to our Eggforcers. Let's see how they do when our forces are powered up!
[The Generator starts crackling.]
[Scene Change: Ghost Hill]

[The crackling transfers to all the Eggforcers. They power up and fire constant bullets. Sonic And Mane 7 jumps and performs a flying punch, but the Eggforcer blocks Sonic's And Mane 7 fist, before delivering a right hand back at Them, causing Them to fly back and land on the ground.]
Dr. Done-It: They down! Hit 'em with everything you got!
[He laughs maniacally and rockets are a group of homing missiles are fired at the group. They get away at the last split second, leaving the missiles to explode as they hit the landscape. The camera cuts to Shadow carrying Sonic And Mane 7.]
Shadow: Ugh. Probably gonna regret that.
Sonic: we heart you too, Shadow.
Izzy: Thank!
[Sonic And Mane 7 makes a heart sign with Their hands And Hooves, to which Shadow just rolls his eyes in annoyance. Soon, they both stop to a halt, staying alerted. Suddenly, two aircrafts comes rushing towards them.]
Sonic: Split up!
Pipp: Let Doing This!
[The team run together and then they split.]
Dr. Don't: I'll get the new one.
[Dr. Don't summons Eggforcers at Shadow.]
Dr. Don't: Smile for the ammo, rat.
[Shadow defeats some Eggforcers while being chased. Dr. Don't grunts in annoyance. Meanwhile, Shadow redirects ammo fire to hit their own Eggforcers.]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Pathetic! Let me show you how it's done in the real world, boy.
[A large orange laser is generated and fired, corroding past the landscape, but the black hedgehog gets away, leaving nothing but visible holes on the HQ's monitor.]
Dr. Don't: Ugh, fine! But we get the assist.
[Shadow jumps up and leaves. Meanwhile, Sonic And Mane 7 brakes to a halt and realizes Shadow's missing.]
Sonic: Shadow! [Turns back.]
Zipp: let Find Him!
[Sonic And Mane 7 is not visible in-front of Dr. Deep's monitor.]
Dr. Deep: Where'd They go?
[Sonic And Mane 7 stops after They runs to the area with holes from Shadow's fight.]
Sonic: No... There's no way Shadow would go down that easy...
Ghost Hill Tails: As long as I'm around, you'll always have a wing-man.
Ghost Hill Amy: The forest is the most beautiful place on Earth.
[Scene Change: Paradox Prism]

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