The Wolf Listens

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Law isn't the only one interested in you; he hates this fact. But you aren't the only one interested in him, either. A chapter exploring jealousy amongst Law's closest friends.

LawBepo & Penguin/Reader are focuses in this chapter!

CW's: Rape threats, Dubious Consent, Manipulation, Sex toys, Smut cliffhanger :P


Bepo yawned, stirring from his sleep to find that his captain wasn't in bed with him. This was odd as his captain slept best with him. Law would call him over if he knew the night would be unpleasant, if he (very often) had nightmares, or if the Tang had grown too cold. He supposed his captain had gotten too hot thanks to the stuffiness of the inn, so he got up first. Bepo couldn't help but feel guilty that he may have made Law's night worse.

Getting up with a start when he realized what time it was, he rushed to the restroom. After, he combed down his messy fur with a thick brush, removing the gathered fur ball into the trash every so often. He tended to fill the trashcan with it, so he replaced the bag for the cleaner himself to dispose of his bag elsewhere. Once the fur that was typically visible was to his liking, he slid his signature orange boiler suit back on. Gathering up the key to the room and his and Law's few things into his backpack, he headed downstairs to the main floor.

Shachi had insisted they— Penguin, Law, Y/N, Ikkaku and Bepo himself— should sleep at the hotel to be at the diner as early as possible. It had been a while since they'd done so and Shachi was excited to introduce Y/N to food they hadn't had before. They weren't the only ones with the idea as not only civilians were filling the tables, but so did the Straw Hats. Bepo could see the civilians looked nervous, clearly recognizing their notorious faces. Not to mention, there was definitely a wall lined with some of their wanted posters.

Something inside Bepo felt off when he realized Law was conversing with his childhood friend, Y/N, who looked particularly happy today. He narrowed his eyes, wondering if captain had left bed early for a different reason... He shook his furry head and walked forward, forcing a big grin as he greeted everyone, sitting beside Penguin. Penguin, notably, was resting his elbow on the table, chin in hand, staring at Law and Y/N with a grimace. They hadn't taken notice, Law was too entangled in explaining why the bone structure of minks and humans were so similar. Ikkaku and Shachi would occasionally interject with a question or a joke. Law glared at Shachi whenever he emphasized how much of a nerd he was.

Bepo's ears flickered in surprise when Y/N laughed. It was common to hear them laugh, they were a very giggly individual. But this was a genuine laugh, clear as day, and he watched his captain's icy heart melt. For just a few moments, Law looked at them with a crooked smile, a smile that only Bepo ever saw. Could he be in love? No, that's impossible. I mean, Captain has a busy life, he has no time for that, Bepo sighed through his nose. He luckily was distracted by the waiter who took their requests. As soon as they were done they left to submit the orders to the kitchen and to prepare drinks.

After the meal, Shachi, Penguin and Bepo separated from the small group. Finally, Bepo felt he could voice his concerns. What could this mean for them— if Captain was in love? Would they still look for the One Piece? Would Captain still want him around?

"Penguin," Bepo fumbled with his fingers, he glanced up to see Penguin kick a rock clumsily, his hands were stuffed in his pockets. "Why are you so upset?"

Penguin looked up at Bepo, the speed in which made his hat flaps slap him in the face. "Gah!" he rubbed his face, his cheeks tomato red. "Fuck Bepo, don't scare me like that."

"I'm sorry..." Bepo looked down at the floor, classically depressed over being scolded.

Shachi leapt ahead of them, walking backwards to face them. "Isn't it obvious, Bepo? He's jealous! He's in lo~ve," Shachi teased him, predictably sending Penguin in a fury. Penguin lunged at him, ready to punch him in the face. Shachi dodged, then the two were running circles around their big bear friend.

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