An Anomaly

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'That is the word given to those who are different.' 

'People like me.' 


'WAAAAAAHHHHHH!' the baby cried. 

The nurse grabbed the baby and quickly rushed to clean him. Another nurse walks over to the exhausted wife and husband, looks of shame plastered on their face. The man looked away from his son, never even laying an eye on him. Everyone tried not to. The nurse washed the babe with speed, quickly placing it away from herself. 

'What would you like to name it?' the Nurse asked. 

'Madara, a name fitting that creature. It means impure yes?' The man said looking at the nurse, who replied with a nod.

'Then that is its name. Madara.' He said. 


'Madara!' a voice called. 

'Sora?' the red head replied. 

The two exchanged a quick fist bump. 

'We are officially ninjas.' Madara said. 

'Yep. Hope your not having mixed feelings.' Sora stated. 

'I am sure of what I decided. Being a marksman, samurai, medical corps was not really what I wanted.' Madara said. 

'Me too, to be fair.' Sora stated. 

The two boys continued to walk along the road, on their way to their final class at the shinobi institution. 

'I have been practicing with my anomality, I'm getting much better at controlling the clouds.' Sora said smiling brightly. 'Look at this.' 

Sora looked around before looking into the sky, stretching his hand and pulling a cloud out of the air. 

'I can make the cloud more compact so it can hold our weight. Cool right?' Sora called. 

'Definitely cool.' Madara said, climbing unto the cloud. 

'DUCK!' Madara yelled, pulling his friend down.

A couple stones flew over the two's head. 

'What the hell was that, and how did you even see that ,your Hikime's reaction time are next level.' Sora said, staring into the now decagonal eyes giving off a faint frosty blue glow, a single line present in his eyes. 'Anyways, LET'S GET THESE JERKS!' 

'Leave them. They aren't worth our time.' Madara called out to him, climbing on top of the cloud once more. 

Sora looked back at Madara, before pulling the cloud from underneath him and flying at the kids. 

'COME BACK HERE!' Sora yelled, soaring through the sky. 

'This guy.' Madara thought chasing after him on foot.

Sora, as he chased his attackers, flew closer to the grounds blocking Madara's view with rows of houses. 

'3 rows of houses away, I can get there in 2 minutes max.' Madara thought as he scaled the side of a building before running across the roof, and jumping to the next roof. He did this twice more before landing in an alley. 

Sora was lying on the ground, a cut on his head. 

'What happened.' Madara asked. 

'The lured me in, beat me up. It doesn't hurt and I managed to hurt two of them aswell.' Sora said, wiping the trickle of blood on his forehead. 'They did steal my wallet though.' 

'Where did they go.' Madara asked. 

'They said they were heading for Iki's restaurant. But we do need to get to school, we can get my wallet back, its fine.' Sora said. 

'Head to school, I will see you there.' Madara said. 

Madara scaled the building before making his way to Iki's restaurant to get Sora's wallet back. 

He saw the kids walking out of Iki's restaurant with some sweets, and an empty wallet with clouds on them. Sora's wallet. 

'Give the wallet back.' Madara said, aggressively. 'I tried to ignore you the first time. But, you've hurt my friend. Give it back and I'll leave without any trouble. Don't and well... that's for you to find out.'

'S-scary' one of the bullies called out sarcastically, before laughing with the other two. 

Madara jumped down from the roof and looked at them with his eyes, the decagonal shapes keeping firmly on them. 

'Keep your disgusting eyes from me. You freak!' the bully said as he charged at Madara. 

Madara just stood waiting, watching, analyzing. His eyes could see everything he did, reading him like a book, seeing his future movements. 

He ducked a punch, blocked a kick and then swept him off his feet. 

Madara put his eyes onto the wallet, and with that it flew into his hands. 

'WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!' The other bully called out. 

'It's called Telekinesis. One of my eyes powers. If I was you I would back off.' Madara called staring deeply at the bullies. 

'L-lets go guys. This guy is an anomaly like his friend, a freak, he is going to kill us.' the bully on the floor screamed, scrambling unto his feet then running away. 

- At the shinobi institution - 

'Here.' Madara called back tossing Sora's wallet back to him. 

'What did you do?' Sora called.

'Nothing. Just got your wallet back. They used up the money in there, but you can have some of mine.' Madara said. 

'Aww, really? THANKS!' Sora said happily. 

'No worries.' Madara replied.

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