Chapter 1

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today was the first day of summer.

that's how they ended up here, Arianna and Cora were hanging out at the public pool enjoying the first day of summer right now it was 87 degrees, and they were enjoying the summer weather

right now, they were swimming in the pool, laughing and splashing each other, when Arianna suddenly stopped laughing, she was looking towards the entrance of the pool area

Cora looked confused "what's wrong?" Cora followed her line of sight and saw Matthew, Jack and ruby

Cora turned back to Arianna and asked "what's wrong with them? they're just trying to enjoy the pool since it's like 87 degrees" Arianna just sighed and replied "you know how they are, they're like the most troubled kids ever, wherever Matthew Jones goes, trouble follows Cora"

Cora just rolled her eyes and went back to swimming, she always stayed out of Matthews way and whenever they interacted, it ended up with an argument and detention

Matthew saw Cora and smirked slightly, he loved stirring trouble up with her or her friends just to make her mad

Matthew walked up to Cora and spoke "fancy meeting you here" of course it was sarcastic and Cora knew that

She replied "sadly I can't say the same for you" Ruby chuckled quietly in the background earning a glare from Matthew, she went silent looking away

Matthew then looked back at Cora with a fake smile then at Arianna "Oh look its Arianna" he said in almost a mocking way 

Cora immediately defended Arianna "Hey back off and leave my friend alone" But Matthew just looked at Cora and laughed "or what?" 

Cora got out of the pool, things were getting tense between them, and a lifeguard saw that, yelling "hey take it somewhere else!" Cora just rolled her eyes and looked at Arianna "come on Ari let's get out of here"

Arianna nodded and got out of the pool with Cora giving Matthew a small glare, then they both left while Matthew watched them go with a satisfied smirk


now Arianna and Cora were at Coras house they just got there

Atlas peeked out from his room "oh great you brought friends?" he said clearly annoyed causing Arianna to smirk a bit

Arianna has had a crush on Atlas since 8th grade, they're in 11th grade, well they will be soon, the main reason she hasn't confessed her feelings for him because she was afraid, she'd upset Cora, so she stayed quiet about her crush on Atlas hoping it was only a phase

Cora replied to him "it's only Arianna" she then sat down on the couch, Arianna doing the same

Arianna smiled at Cora speaking up "wanna prank call someone?" Cora smiled back, grabbing her phone

Cora looked at Arianna "who?" she asked

Arianna thought for a moment, definitely not Atlas, not ruby or jack, she then got a mischievous smile "Matthew"

Cora quickly replied "no! no way not him" Arianna just grabbed the phone dialing his number, Cora mentally cursed Arianna for that, before she could react, Arianna shoved the phone to Coras chest, Matthew's voice sounding

"Hello?" Matthew said from the other line "Who is this?" shoot, Cora had to quickly come up with a plan before Matthew hung up in them

she quickly disguised her voice as a deep man voice "yes, I ordered pizza an hour ago, you never gave me my pizza!" 

there was a sigh from the other line then Matthew's voice "you got the wrong number man" she tried to hold back a laugh and continued the man voice "Nope, now give me the pizza i ordered and paid for!" 

Matthew now sounded mad, damn he had a short temper "listen here, I'm not some pizza delivery person, so call the right person and leave me alone!" then beep, he hung up.

Cora looked at Arianna shocked at his anger, but Arianna didn't seem shocked at all, Arianna just sighed, not that bothered by his behavior

they ordered pizza and just watched scary movies all night like all the conjuring movies, and even the "smile" movie but that one didn't really interest Cora as much as the conjuring ones did

Cora wants to be a paranormal investigator when Shes older, she believes in ghosts, demons, and all of that, she often gets made fun of for what she wants to be when Shes older, but she just ignores them knowing they aren't important

Cora and Arianna were now asleep on the couch together, the 3rd conjuring movie was still playing

Atlas was awake playing video games when he heard the movie still playing

he paused his game and walked out seeing the 2 girls asleep, he turned off the tv

Atlas saw how peaceful Arianna looked and smiled, he grabbed 2 blankets and put them over Cora and Arianna he walked to Arianna for a moment, moving a strand of hair behind her ear

Atlas sighed and whispered "goodnight girls" then went back to his room shutting the door.

Authors note: i hope you enjoyed the first chapter, im sorry it took so long i was busy with babysitting a kid, and just busy with other personal stuff, im sorry this chapter couldnt be longer, but i do hope you enjoyed 


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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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