chapter 1

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Christine glanced at the clock on her dressing room wall, growing bored and impatient for the hour to reach 6:00. It had been a long, event less day filled with strolls in the park and stolen glances at the clock. Raoul was out of town for a month, and Meg was busy rehearsing for her ballet solo in the upcoming performance.
It's close enough. She though, standing and smoothing out her pale grey dress. She donned her midnight black, silk cloak, knowing it would be chilly in the catacombs and pressed lightly on the glass mirror. Her angel usually met her there to escort her down to his home for her lesson, however she was bored out of her mind, and anxious to see Erik. Though she would never admit that last fact to herself.
Ever since she discovered Erik was a man, not an angel, she lost trust in him, but slowly began to lose her anger as well, as she began to know that man Erik, not the Angel of Music. Her heels clicked softly against the stone, making the only sound in the catacombs besides water dripping. She hummed to herself to warm up her voice before she reached Erik's home. He was always so strict, she could never sound less than perfect without him snapping at her. But this made her want to please him even more.
She reached the lake and sure enough, the boat floated towards the shore, sensing someone was approaching. She didn't know how Erik did it, but he programmed the boat to come toward shore if there was movement larger than a rat. She got in, lifting her skirts high enough as to not trip and fall into the black water. If that were to happen, Erik's siren could finally have at her.
As she approached Erik's home, she thought of Raoul. And how this, in his eyes would be betrayal of the worst kind. Staying in another man's home! Alone! How scandalous! But Erik's commands were final, and she had promised to go by his rules. Which were very many and very strict. Such as; being ready in her dressing room every Friday at 6:00 sharp. Then she would stay at his underground home all weekend, until rehearsals started on Monday.
This was tiring, for she never had a break. Either she was rehearsing above ground with the whole opera house, or rehearsing below ground with the ever demanding Erik. Sometimes, though, he would give her a break and make her a cake and read to her by the fire. Those were the best moments. She felt as if she were a child again, listening to her father's stories. However, she would always be uncomfortable after the story ended and her enchantment fell away. Her senses would return and she would remember the man beside her. The man who lied to her. The man who looked like a monster behind that white mask.
She arrived at the door and gently stepped out of the boat, glancing at the water to make sure there was no siren waiting to snatch her ankle and pull her under the black depths. Finding none, she quickly shuffled inside, shutting the door behind her.
The candles were all low in the sitting room, low enough to make Christine squint to see where she was going. She dodged past chairs and divans, blind as a bat. If only she could make it to her room...
When she did, she untied her cloak and tossed it onto her large pink bed, before lighting a candle. Oh, how she loved her room! With it's pearly off-white walls, dark mahagony floors, lacy bed canopy, and crystal chandelier! How Erik spoiled her! But suddenly she heard the organ start to play, and she forgot all about her extravagant bedroom.
Slowly, Christine turned toward the door, entranced by the sound, and drifted towards Erik's music room. She couldn't even hear the organ clearly, yet she was already in a trance, getting closer and closer to the room. The music tugged at her body, moving her without her consent. It tore at her flesh, making her want to scream and thrash on the floor. It ripped her mind in half, leaving her without any of her own, independent thoughts. All she had was what the music told her.
The door in front of her opened with a gently push from her shaky hand. Oh God. She thought. That music....she had never felt this way before. Erik was at the organ, eyes closed, pounding away, producing the most seductive, terribly sinful sound any soul had ever the misfortune of hearing. His mask was on, luckily, but his hands were bare, though they looked beautiful pressing those keys....
Christine's hands felt her corset, putting pressure on it to make her feel....oh so good. A small sound of pleasure and surprise escaped her lips and Erik whirled around to see the girl, head tilted back, eyes shut, mouth parted in a gloriously seductive way, and hands spread over her corset. His breath caught in his throat. She was.... She heard Don Juan! No wonder she looked like...
"Christine." He choked out. She slowly opened her eyes and smiled slightly at him. Her eyes still danced with the fire of Don Juan, even though the music had stopped. She still heard it in her head, and she was entranced.
"Erik...." She whispered. His head snapped up and his whole body tensed. He had never heard his name said like that before... "Christine, you aren't supposed to be here. I was supposed to come get you." He mumbled, shaking off his desire. She ignored him and took a step forward. "Erik, I...I have never felt this feeling before. I need..." She trailed off before looking him in the eye. "I need you to touch me." Her innocent voice pleaded, knowing not what she was saying or why. His music had done a terrible thing, and he knew it.
Erik shook his head quickly. "No, I can't... That is not" He stuttered, gazing at her hands, that were trying to untie her corset. "I need...." She trailed off again, hungrily tearing at her own clothes. When that didn't work, she turned to him, her eyes wide and full of desire. "Your hands, Erik. Please." She begged softly, her lower lip trembling. He could do nothing but hold out his thin hands as an offering to her. He had no idea why he wanted her hands...
She hungrily grabbed at them and placed them on her abdomen, hissing as she felt the contact she had wanted. The music still sounded in her head and made his simple touch feel like fireworks on her skin. Erik was stiff and breathing hard. The feel of her beneath his was intoxicating. He didn't know if he could control himself if she continued!
"Erik" she whispered again. All thoughts of his face were forgotten as she guided his shaking hands down her corset. "Christine... You aren't... In your right...mind." He said through clenched teeth as he watched his hand travel lower and lower down her dress. He could never forgive himself if he took advantage of her like this. But she was so beautiful and so willing...
Suddenly she hiked up her skirts and forcefully guided his hand to a spot that he had never dreamed of touching before. But before he reached it, he snatched his hand away, growling in agony. She whimpered and reached for his hand again but he stepped back. "Enough!" He shouted, shaking violently with clenched fists at his side. Christine blinked, his loud, angry voice bringing her back to reality. She realized what she had done...or tried to do, and gasped. "Oh God!" She cried with a shaking hand clapped over her mouth. Why had she...? She didn't even know the first thing about... Oh no oh no oh no she thought over and over.
Erik leaned on a table, his yellow eyes closed, his thin hands clenched on the side of the table, and his mouth opening and closing as he took long, deep breaths. What had just happened?! Christine watched him in horror. What had she done?! She had no feelings for him whatsoever! And she had tried make him touch her? That damn song! She grabbed a fistful of her hair and tugged at it in anxiety as she let out a frustrated sigh. She bit her lip and took timid steps toward Erik.
Her hand landed softly on his shoulder as she leaned into him to see if he was alright. "Erik...are you...are you okay?" She asked quietly. He looked as if he were having a heart attack! His skin was pale and clammy and even with a mask on, Christine could tell his expression was pained. He took another deep breath before shaking her hand off of his shoulder. "Christine...get out. I need you to leave my presence. Now." He commanded through clenched teeth. She shook her head slightly, "But you look ill, I can get you a glass of-" he cut her off by whirling around to face her, his eyes ablaze with fury.
"Christine, if you do not leave right now, I am afraid I may do something against your will that will hurt you. Get out now." He roared, his voice menacing and cruel. She stumbled backwards, aghast and frightened at his threat..or promise. So she turned and ran to her room, slamming and locking the door behind her.
She sunk to the floor in a heap of tears, angry at herself and at Erik. Mostly herself. How could she have let herself beg for something she had never wanted? For something forbidden? For something she tensed at the thought of? Especially with that monster. He had said that he would...that he may rape her.
Well after that show I put on I do not blame him. Poor Erik! She thought to herself, causing another sob to escape her throat. She put him through hell! He had never known a woman's touch, and here she was taunting him with it! Guilt overwhelmed her, and she made up her mind to go and apologize in a few minutes, when he calmed down.
She read a chapter of her favorite book and glanced at the clock when she was done. 7:30. That was enough time, she decided, and donned her cloak once more. She had made up her mind on what she was going to say, and just hoped she wouldn't chicken out. She silently crept out and headed towards the music room but found he was not there. So she checked his room, and sure enough, he was at his desk, furiously scribbling onto paper. She could see easily that it was her. Her with her hands sprawled across her body, her head tilted back in ecstasy and her eyes shut. She decided not to say anything about the drawing. Let him have that she thought to herself.
She cleared her throat at the doorway and he whirled around, covering the paper. She smiled slightly at him, watching his every move. He eyed her and looked down. "Christine, I told you to stay away." He growled softly.
She swallowed and took a step forward. "I should leave." She said gently. He looked up, slightly upset. She bit her lip in thought and sighed. "Thank you for not...",she trailed off, seeing the disappointment on his face. "I am truly sorry I put you through that." She whispered, her head bowing in shame. She heard him sigh and stand then felt cold fingers lift her head up. "Child, my Don Juan.. It burns. And you just happened to hear it. And fell prey to the lust of my music." He purred softly.
His fingers felt nice under her hot face, but she clenched her jaw, forcing herself to concentrate. She stepped back and willed her eyes to be icy and cold. "I must leave. And I don't think I can come back." She said as confidently as she could before fleeing.

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