chapter 36: the family dinner

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At the hotel...

Inside the VIP room that Andrei had reserved, the atmosphere buzzed with anticipation as Marco, Xandra, Exan, and Cia waited eagerly. Andrei had informed them that his special someone, her parents, and siblings would be joining them for dinner, heightening the excitement and curiosity among them.

Marco glanced around the elegantly set table, mentally counting the chairs. Despite Andrei not explicitly confirming, Marco couldn't shake the strong suspicion that Fides would be joining them tonight.

Marco: (Quietly to Xandra) "Do you think it's Fides?"

Xandra: (Whispering back) "It has to be, Marco. Look at the setup, the 8 vacant seats... and he's been so happy lately. and Alyza was telling me that Fides is now back to being energetic and bubbly..."

Exan: (Eagerly) "Who do you think it'll be, Dad?"

Marco: (Smiling knowingly) "I have a feeling we're about to find out."

Cia: (Excitedly) "I hope it's Fides! Andrei talks about her all the time."

In the lobby, Raphael and Alyza couldn't contain their curiosity, eager to confirm their suspicions about the dinner and about Fide's special someone.

Raphael: (Playfully) "Fides, you're being mysterious."

Fides: (Smiling warmly) "The answer is just a few steps away, Papa."

Alyza: (Gently teasing) "Oh, come on, sweetheart. You can tell us."

Fides maintained her enigmatic smile, enjoying the playful banter with Raphael and Alyza. Meanwhile, Erros, Kratus, Virtus, Hera, and Tyche murmured among themselves, their curiosity piqued but still uncertain about the identity of Fides's special someone.

Erros: (Whispering) "Do you think it's Andrei?"

Kratus: (Quietly) "I'm not sure.Fides's been secretive about it."

Virtus: (Grinning) "Well, whoever it is, Fideslooks happy."

Hera: "I hope it'Andrei. They seem perfect for each other."

Tyche: "Let's wait and see. It won't be long now."

As they exchanged whispers, the atmosphere in the lobby hummed with anticipation. 

As Andrei's family  discussed quietly amongst themselves, Fides and her family entered the VIP room, Andrei's family turned towards the door, their hearts full of anticipation and a hint of nervousness. The sight of Fides, accompanied by her parents Raphael and Alyza, and her siblings Erros, Kratus, Virtus, Hera, and Tyche, brought tears to their eyes as the realization of the moment dawned upon them.

Andrei stood up and meet Fides and made the Filipino custom of 'pagmamano' to Fides parents. Hhis voice filled with emotion as he addressed his parents and siblings.

Andrei: (Tearfully) "Dad, Mom, Exan, Cia... My special someone is Fides."

Fides, standing beside Andrei, smiled through her own tears, walk towards Andrei's parents and do the same Filipino custom of 'pagmamano'... 

Fides's addressing her  family next--- 

Fides: (Emotionally) "Papa, Mama, Kuya Erros, Kuya Virtus, Kuya Kratus, Hera, and Tyche, he is the one—Andrei."

Marco and Xandra exchanged glances, embraced Fides and kissed her, overwhelmed with joy and pride for their son and the happiness radiating from both Andrei and Fides. 

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