Summer 1971

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Marleene sat banging her head against the wall in pure annoyance as her brother passed around her room rambling on about his excitement about his last year at hogwarts. Marleene wasn't sure why he was so excited from her experience School isn't that fun. She has always not enjoyed school, she wast the best at following directions so she was always in trouble at the primary school. Her brother was always insisting " Hogwarts is different" but he said it was because of the people. Marlenne did get that ether, she didn't like very many people. She was always more reserved, from a very young age it was very clear to everyone that marleen wasn't like everyone else so most kids shunned her. Besides one girl, she always had to marry. Mary was her best friend and about the only thing she was excited about when she was going to hogwarts. "Marls, are you even listening?" danny said finally looking at her
"Yes yes' ' marleene said finally stopping hitting her head on the wall. She looked down at the stuff she was supposed to be packing in her trunk. She had read everything already when she was helping Dany pack his 1st year. Although she was very young she remembered almost everything. She remembered the old warmth that used to course through her brother, the old joy and spark they both used to have as they were younger. But as they grew up the playful nature and fun times grew more and more apart. Neither of the siblings wanted too but it was too hard because the family was held to a certain expectation due to there mother being a primary part of the ministry and them always being in the public eye they had to mature much faster than other kids meaning the old fun and happy times they had went away very quickly.
"Marleen you need to be packing" a crisp voice said opening the door. She snapped her head to look at the door. She made eye contact with a tall skinny woman who wore her hair tied up with zero mistakes or bumps in a high bun with no stray hairs. She was in a black cocktail dress with black heels and pearls on her neck. "Me and your father are leaving for dinner. You must be packed when we get back" the woman spoke in a cold voice
"I know." marlene said in a worn out tone. She knew that her mom wouldn't be this strict about her packing if she hadn't had put it off to the last second but marleene didn't want to have to stomach the fact that she would be leaving home for the longest time she ever had in a short 12 hours, she didn't want to go to hogwarts and mary wasn't here to ease the nerves either. Marleen was happy she would have her best friend when she got to school. She wasn't supposed to, Mary was muggle born and didn't know anything about Hogwarts until a week ago. But marleen was so happy she was finally able to know the only part of marlene's life that she hadn't before. Marleen had been hiding it from her there whole friendship. Now the girl knew everything about marleene. As Marleene thought about her mothers words she began to open her trunk. It was a hand-me -down from her brother who had just got a brand new fresh trunk for his final year, so marls ended up with the beaten up ripping one. She reached in and took out the chocolate frog wrapper her brother had left inside the trunk from last year and crumpled it up and threw it into the garbage bin. She got it in and did a little celebratory hand move to the annoyance of her brother. Danny has been the quidditch captain for the last 2 years, marlene has always been a very sporty girl who ran around chasing danny on his broom when she was younger before she could get her own broom. Once Danny made it on the quidditch team his second year his mom bought him a new broom meaning Marleene got his old one. Her mom didnt approve of her natural sporty habits but she couldnt ever stop marls. So everytime marls and danny got a chance marls would go outside and they would play eachother useing tree branches as goals and a football marls had gotten from a muggle store as a ball. Her brother claimed she was better than ½ the boys on the team last year and that he would talk to the head of house about letting her try out for the team her first year even though it wasnt ushally allowed. She picked up her stack of books lining them up in color order in her trunk, she then put in her new robes, she had some but her mom insisted on getting her brand new so she didn't look like a scrub.she then put in her wand and caldron. She grabbed the stack of pants and shirts her mom had out for her. Mostly full of old sweaters of her brothers and girly tops, none of which were what she liked but she wore anyway. She grabbed her hair ribbon that she had bought on their trip to diagon alley. She grabbed more clothes and soaps and other things she assumed she would need for her school year. She grabbed all her school work and her guitar. Her brother stopped her when he saw the guitar.
"You do know you're not gonna need that?" he said looking at her maroon guitar, it had stickers of her favorite musicians covering it. Ranging from david bowie to the beatles.
"Maybe I will join a band? You never know. Piss off" she said putting it in her trunk and dusting her jeans off. She now shut the top of her trunk and locked in before jumping onto her bed and grabbing the little ginger cat she called paul mccartney after the beatles member. 'Now get out of my room im trying to relax and your rambling isn't helping. My last night not sharing a room with 3 other girls". As she spoke her brother left and closed her door softly. She then stood up put her head in her hands and sorta span around she tan grabbed a pair of dannys old pj pants he had given her as he grew out of them his fourth year, they were red and gold checkerd besides a weird spot that was grey and almost burnt looking that had a hole. It looked a lot like the cigarette burns on the couch from her dad putting his out but she knew her brother wouldnt do that. She slipped the pants on though and tied the sting as tight as she could because they didnt fit her yet. She then took of the button up patterned shirt she had on and slipped on a grey jumper that had the gryphindor quidditch teams name on it with a lion. It was very big on marks but she thought it was comfetable. It had grass stains all over from whatever dany and his mates got up to at school but with that marls slid into her bed and pulled her quilt over her. As she lay staring at her cealing she thought that this was the last time she would be in this bed until christams, last time having a late night talk with her brother. She thought about how now she would be with other girls every night and with her last anxious thoughts she drifted off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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