!! Conflicting Preparation !!

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C: Eclipse!! Where are you??
E: hang on, busy atm
C: aw.. cmon, eclipse!
C: why don't you ever have time to spare..?
E: my schedule's cluttered..
C: what are you even doing anyways..
E: oh..
E: I'm just helping a few friends with a favor.
C: oh.
C: are you being forces? Where are you?
E: Cameron! I'm okay, don't worry
E: sadly i can't hang out today..
C: that's lame, man.
E: I know.. Please take care!
C: You too, buddy!

I sighed.. pushing my phone into my pocket.
I continues to sprint, to the usualy alleyway, where my boss and the crew would meet.

It's the evening now, and it's already pitch black outside. Without the street lamps. I can barely see a thing.

My energy is drained. But for the sake of my life, I have to take on this mission. I've already missed out a few due to school, and I shouldn't chicken out on this one.
Besides, this is a big one. Apparenty, Boss is going to give me double the reward if we nail this.
But if we don't, well.. let's just say that it won't get pretty.

After some more running, I finally made it to the small alleyway in the corner of the city.
Making my way through a few trashcans, walking of the wet dirt, I get closer and closer to a brick wall.
Sure enough, Boss was there, along with a few other.. teamates..
I brush off my tired face, and made it sure that I put on my most neutral expression, I mustn't act weak in front of Boss..
I approached the group and greeted my teammates

() "Finally that Hybrid is here.."
() "Hey there, kiddo! You made it! As I've said earlier this morning, we're going for the big fish today!"
(Eclipse) "What's so special about this mission.. Boss..?"
() "We're gonna rob a manor! It's basically a big-ass mansion, but a little eerie. Honestly, it isn't even a manor, but I like to call it that."
(Eclipse) "So we're going now?"
() "Not yet, we have some errands to run first.. Get in the van, kid!"

I grumbled silently as I climed on. It's just an ordinary van, that poor families own in the movies.
It's not that comfortable nor clean, it's just usable. I keep coughing from all of the dust that stuck to the interior of the van.

I trembled on my seat slightly. We're going to rob a whole fucking mansion, and I'm really nervous. Not exactly about stealing, but about robbing a huge-ass mansion. Mansions probably have millions of cameras and bodyguards everywhere.
And again, I'm short on money, so I have to.
I already got a feeling that I'm going to need to use my gun. I loathe using firearms, but it's required for the mission, in a life-and-death situation.
I'm not physically, nor MENTALLY prepared for this..

() "We're here! Get off, guys! We're gonna be witnessing awesome stuff tonight!"

I hope he's actually serious this time.

I got off the van, and followed Boss into yet another alleyway. But one of the houses there was glowing.. I can see a dim blue light coming out of the giant doorway..
Aren't alleyways supposed to be empty..?

Boss led me and a fee of my teammates to the mysterious building.
Cool air brushed past my fur immediately as I step in front of the bulding

Eclipse's Reunion - DogDay x CatNap (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now