chapter 38: dinner with Fides' staff

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Fides's vacation came to an end, and she needed to return to the US. Andrei flew with her, and upon their arrival, Fides officially introduced Andrei to her staff. It was there that they met the person who had been consistently sending bouquets and meals.

At Fides working studio...

Fides: Alright everyone, gather around. I have someone very special I want you all to meet. This is Andrei.

Andrei: Hello everyone, it's a pleasure to finally meet you all.

Staff Member: Hello Sir Andrei, nice to meet you! We've heard so much about you from Fides.

Fides: Andrei, this is Amelia. She's been the one sending those beautiful bouquets and meals to the office.

Andrei: Ah, so you're the talented person behind all those thoughtful gestures! It's nice to put a face to the name.

Amelia: It's lovely to meet you, Sir Andrei. Fides has been such an inspiration to all of us here.

Fides: Thank you, Amelia. I couldn't have managed without all of you. Andrei and I are looking forward to settling back in and catching up on everything.

Andrei: I'm excited to see where this new chapter takes us.

Staff Member 2: Welcome Sir Andrei. Welcome back  Fides...we're thrilled to have you both here with us again.

Andrei: Hey everyone, I wanted to invite you all to dinner tonight after work. How does that sound?

Staff 1: That sounds great, Andrei! Where are we going?

Andrei: I thought we could try that new Italian place downtown. They have great reviews.

Staff 2: Count me in! It'll be nice to unwind after a busy day.

Staff 3: Thanks for organizing this, Andrei. Looking forward to it!

Andrei: My pleasure! Let's meet in the lobby at 6:30, and we'll head over together.

Staff 4: Perfect! See you all then!

Andrei: Looking forward to it!

Fides: Thank you, everyone. Let's get back into the swing of things!


Andrei and Fides enjoyed a dinner date with Fides's staff, where everyone got along well and engaged in joyful banter throughout the evening.

Andrei: So, how did everyone find out about my secret bouquet deliveries to Fides?

Employee 1: We've all been trying to figure out who the mystery sender was! It's been quite the office mystery.

Fides: (Laughing) Yes, Andrei has been quite the romantic, hasn't he?

Employee 2: It's so sweet! We were all secretly hoping a handsome knight  even without a shining armor.

Andrei: (Smiling) Well, secrets are hard to keep around here. I'm glad it brought some excitement to the office.

Employee 3: It definitely did! And thank you for the delicious meals too. They were a delightful surprise every time.

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