chapter 44: news flash

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Early in the morning...

Andrei: (Smiling warmly) "Good morning, love. How did you sleep?"

Fides: (Grinning) "Morning, Andrei. I slept well, dreaming of our next adventure together."

Andrei: (Chuckling) "I can't wait for that. Today's the day I fly back to the Philippines, but I wish I could take you with me."

Fides: (Sighing softly) "I wish I could join you too. Just a few more days apart, and then we'll be together again."

Andrei: (Nodding) "Yes, and until then, remember how much I love you. I'll call you as soon as I land."

Fides: (Smiling warmly) "I'll be waiting for your call. Have a safe flight, Andrei."

Andrei: "Thank you, Fides. I love you."

Fides: "Love you too, Andrei. Take care."

After the call, Fides was daydreaming while sitting on her couch, sipping her coffee. 

Suddenly, she turned on the television to find news about the merger of two major companies: Roxas of the Philippines and Olgen of Norway. 

The caption speculated whether this merger would create one of the largest conglomerates. 

The news segment then showed photoshoots of Andrei with a woman—dancing on a bar's dance floor, toasting and drinking. What made Fides tremble was a kissing scene captured on video...

Fides (in her thoughts):  Andrei and the woman kissing in a dark corner of the room???

Tears one by one running one after the other in her face...

Fides (in her thoughts): "Andrei said he stayed in his hotel room, but the news flash showed otherwise... He's in a bar, dancing, drinking, and a kissing scene with another woman."

As Fides replayed their last night's conversation in her mind, doubts crept in. She remembered Andrei's reassurances and the warmth in his voice, contrasting sharply with the images on the screen. The disbelief and hurt mixed within her as she struggled to reconcile the discrepancies between what she saw and what she heard.

Fides walked into her studio, her thoughts in turmoil. She couldn't shake the images from the television and Andrei's conflicting words from her mind.

Fides: (Taking a deep breath, trying to compose herself) "I need to focus... I have work to do."

She started organizing her art supplies, but her mind kept drifting back to Andrei and the unsettling news.

Fides: (Talking to herself) "How could he... after everything?"

She paced the room, trying to make sense of the situation, her emotions raw and unsettled.

Fides: (Walking back and forth in her studio, speaking softly to herself) "I can't believe what I saw. Andrei... he was there, kissing her. It's all on video, clear as day."

She picks up a ghown absentmindedly, her thoughts consumed by the images from the news.

Fides: "He said he was in his hotel room, preparing for his flight. How could he lie like that?"

She paces more rapidly now, her heart heavy with hurt and confusion.

Fides: "Was everything he told me just a lie? All those sweet words, the promises... Did I mean anything to him at all?"

Tears well up in her eyes as she struggles to comprehend the betrayal she feels.

Fides: "I trusted him. How could he do this to me?"

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