The Legend of D'artangan: A Legend

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In the land of Spokane there was a young lad by the name of D'Artangan who was a pretty intelligent lad and well had the body of a GOD he just didn't know how to use it , he would walk around the village market with women and maidens gawking and looking at him with a far off or whimsy in their eyes. He just though that behind him was another prince or nobleman coming for Lady Ada's hand in marriage ooh Lady Ada the love of his life she was the best maiden in the land and it also said so in Teen Maiden Magazine.

Now everyone who was anyone in the kingdom knew who Lady Ada was the fairest maiden in the land, the beauty to the Beast, the Snow White but with hair as red as blood and skin as pale as sand or snow I forget, but don't be mistaken Ada was not your ordinary maiden she was one of the rare ones who care about the smarts of a man rather than his looks but she liked looks and wasn't to fazed by Knights-in-shining-amour, or Noblemen, and she really didn't care for Lords they were the worst. The men would stomp into her castle and demand her hand in marriage and act as if they owned her and her father ever  so kind would let her chose to marry them or not but she only had eyes for D'Artangan and she was willing to wait.

While D'Artangan was helping his uncle a wizard who was also good friends with Merlin in Camelot in the next land over a odd women walked though the door" I'm sorry my lady but we are closed but come back tomorrow it's half of wench Wednesday" but the woman wouldn't listen she came closer only to not be a old women but a beautiful young maiden who said" Fear not young lad for I am an enchantress who has come to tell you that you have been chosen for a quest because your heart is pure and King Arden has personally picked you to come same Lady Ada from his perils" Arden , now be in mind that King Arden was not always king he was a good grammar school boy but when he and D'Artangan grew up he changed and left to find a better life somewhere else and later became the ruthless King who is obsessed with Lady Ada" So Arden has personally chosen me?Why? i'm no knight or a lord" he asked with a fear in his voice but tried not to show it " It doesn't matter if you are or not I have watched you all your life i'm a friend of your mother's and before she died she told me to keep and eye on you so come on kid live a little go on a quest, kiss the love of your life" she said it as if it was mathematics a simple equation" I'm sorry I must refuse I don't have time to die good morrow my lady I how you find someone else" and he left just in the wink of an eye.

On his way home he way magically transported to the battlefield in the middle of the Battle of Moxie, as he shining in amour and riding on a horse in the heat of the battle and killing the king he was whisked back to the front porch of his house, " You said you weren't a knight so I made you and you didn't have shining amour so I gave you some now lets go rescue us a beautiful lady" she said sarcastically then cheerfully "OK I guess your not going to let me go so lets go save a maiden" he said recent fully but as they started he had the feeling that this was going to be the time of his life.

Now on their way they met some interesting people like a young assassin named Bagshw sent to kill them but later befriended them, and a young wizard named Silas who need some training to be the Queens new wizard. When they reached the wastelands King Arden was already their looking half bored and half dead " Ooh well look he couldn't resist the beautiful maiden, well  D'Artangan you such grew from lanky to hunky you grew so how do expect to win this battle with book smarts cause that don't work in the battlefield" he said sluggishly but with Silas using magic and Bagshaw using his quick-fire speed and skills they defeated Arden's army but right in the heat of the moment Arden shot and killed Silas and in that moment  D'Artangan lost his sense of pride and never since his mother and father died had he felt so UN-innocent and forgot about why he had came to the Pillars of the Earth to defeat Arden and get his true love and he wasn't going to get her by moping over Silas he would avenge his death, " I guess you think you have won but you forget that I have the upper hand remember this yeah the enchantress gave me this and it will give me my hearts desire" he blew into the whistle and a purple puff came out and went all around Arden and he just degenerated and he and Bagshaw ran up the pillars and untied Ada and she threw her hands around him and said " Now you are the one knight-in-shining-amour I can get use to" and they kissed

They returned home to the Land of Spokane and  D'Artangan and Ada were crowned King and Queen of the Land and when the enchantress returned to congratulate him he asked for a favor and she granted his wish she brought Silas back and he said " Ooh by the way I never asked your name" and she smiled and said " Katatrina your sister".

To maybe or not be continued...

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