99~ A Whore

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Yana's POV

A new morning brings new hopes and a fresh start-this is what I earnestly expect from myself.

Last night, I left my past mistakes behind, and now I am determined to create a joyful life for my sons.

With a heart full of resolve, I am ready to move on without the burdens of my past.

A warm smile spread across my face as I saw my son walking towards me with a huge grin, his eyes sparkling with love.

I knew he loves me too much to stay angry for long, and here my kiddo is back with his mumma, filling my heart with immense joy.

"Mumma, I scored well in Math," he chirped, climbing onto my lap. I chuckled, caressing his curly hair.

"My baby deserves a treat for sure..." I said, getting into the car and driving to the nearby ice cream parlour, only to find it closed due to some issues.

"Baby, it's closed. Would you like pastries or cake?" I asked. He agreed to pastries, so I spotted a restaurant across the street, locked the car, and decided to walk there.

A light drop of rain made me look up, and a quick reminder of him flashed before my eyes. But I reminded myself not to think about him.

I lifted my son in my arms and walked to the restaurant, taking a seat at a table near the door.

I ordered pastries, and they arrived promptly. "I will feed my baby," I said with a huge smile, settling him on my lap. He excitedly clicked his tongue as I made him eat a pastry, finishing it in no time.

I glanced at the remaining pastry, and a tear rolled down my cheek. If I had never handed my Ayaan to her, he would have been still in my arms.

"If I'm not wrong, are you Anvayi Trivedi?" a voice suddenly asked.

"Yes, I am..." I hesitantly replied, looking at the man. Still not wanting to associate with that family, I wondered why I had used that name for myself. But with Kaustubh Bhai's funeral already spreading it across half the country, and now my engagement making it clear, it was too late.

"Please leave before we are forced to take legal action."

My brows furrowed in humiliation as I saw all the people staring at me with indifference, as if I were a criminal.

"Can I know, sir? What's my mistake?" I asked politely and in a lowered voice, not wanting to draw more attention to myself.

"Now a terrorist's characterless daughter will ask what's her mistake..." a lady said, glaring at me and eyeing me from top to bottom.

It took a brief moment for my brain to process, and I realized the news was out about what my family was involved in.

I knew it would happen eventually, but I didn't expect Ardhansh Singhaniya to be this eager to expose it so soon.

My eyes drifted to the TV screen, and the news headlines caught my attention. What shattered me completely was seeing the report of an extramarital affair between me and him.

Adding to my pain, our intimate kissing photos-some old, not even recent-were openly displayed on national news channels.

"Get out!" This time, he yelled. I clutched my son to my chest, hiding his face.

I don't want him to know his mother wasn't his father's wife but a whore, who just satisfied his father's needs, keeping the payment on the table, I got up from my seat ready to leave but his voice stopped me.

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