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Scene 1: First Villager, Second Villager.

1rst Villager: I saw Samuel a bit earlier.

2nd Villager: How is he doing? Always plunge into his books? He's grown up now!

1rst Villager: Yeah, but still buried in his books, he opened a bookshop a couple of years ago.

2nd Villager: True, true.

1rst Villager: Well, he asked me things about Ariès.

2nd Villager: The apricot seller? That young man is so sweet!

1rst Villager: Yes, but not with Samuel. When he sees him, his smile disappears and no one knows why. I think that our young Samuel is determined to discover the reason behind that.

2nd Villager: To be honest, I've no idea either. Only Ariès and the Albicoccas, the couple hosting him, must know.

1rst Villager: In fact, he has always been a very secret man. It's been 10 years since he first came to this village and still, no one knows where he's from.

2nd Villager: He's one of the few strangers here, and yet, he fits in very well.

1rst Villager: Must be because of his gentle personality and of his dazzling smile! That's what makes him a good seller by the way ! Every woman in this village jostle one another in order to buy him some apricots.

2nd Villager, laughing: I hope that my wife only goes there because they're the best!

1rst Villager: Well look, here's Samuel.

Scene 2:The same + Samuel

Samuel: Good morning gentlemen!

1rst and 2nd Villagers:Morning!

Samuel: How are you?

1rst Villager: Fine, thanks! What about you? Still wondering why Ariès doesn't smile at you?

Samuel: Yes! I want to know if I did something wrong, do you?

1rst Villager: I still don't.

2nd Villager: No idea, why don't you ask him directly?

Samuel: It's... Complicated ?

1rst Villager: He dares not to ask.

Samuel: I can't imagine myself going to ask him: "Hey, why do you hate me?" Not the best approach given that him liking me is the very thing I want.

2nd Villager: Then become his friend, be nice, kind and funny,do what teenagers do! It may work.

Samuel: It's an idea, but I've never been really good at it.

1rst Villager: Talk about books! You had a lot of friends in highschool if I recall. Well, here's the priest with your niece, we'll be off.

Scene 3: Samuel, Stella, the Priest

Samuel: Good morning Father, Stella, how was highschool today?

Stella: Still better than here. The city's big, beautiful, full of things...

The Priest, mischievous : And of people!

-Stella blushes, Samuel smiles-

Samuel, to the Priest: Father, by any chance, would you know how to befriend someone who doesn't like you for a reason you're not aware of?

The Priest: Are you speaking about Ariès?

Samuel: Do you know where his contempt toward me comes from?

The apricot sellerWhere stories live. Discover now