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Scene 1: Samuel, Stella

Samuel, carrying a pile of books: Watch out for the books.

Stella, covered in books: You're more worried about your books than you are about me!

-They put their books on a table already full of books and begin to arrange them.-

Samuel: Oh no! I'm just looking forward to it.

Stella: To party or to go with Ariès?

Samuel: ... A bit of both!

Stella: So, how have the last few months been? I've hardly seen you.

Samuel: I've been helping a lot with the preparations for the festival.

Stella: Liar, I know you were with your new friend!

Samuel: As it happens, Ariès was also helping out.

Stella, mischievous: You don't usually help this much.

Samuel: I see what you're getting at, and yes, I've spent some time with Ariès. He's adorable, kind and caring, a good friend.

Stella: Really? Good for you, you wanted to be his friend so much!

Samuel: Speaking of friends, when do the ones you've invited arrive?

Stella: Late afternoon, for dinner and stay for the evening. Is everything ready at home?

Samuel: Of course! Careful, your pile of books will fall.

Stella, adjusting her pile of books: Where's Ariès?

Samuel: I haven't seen him since last night, why?

Stella: I'd like to talk to him...

Samuel: I didn't know you were close.

Stella: We're not, but he seems... Adorable, kind and caring!

Samuel, laughing: He is!

Stella: I've finished putting the books away, I'll go and get it!

Samuel: Be careful!

Scene 2: Samuel, the Priest

The Priest: The children are very lively.

Samuel: Father! I didn't hear you coming!

The Priest: How's your stand coming along?

Samuel: I'm preparing a few books, I know I won't sell many, but maybe a few...

The priest: Are they children's books?

Samuel: Not all of them, but most of them, yes. You have to know how to target your audience, and it won't be long before the villagers' grandchildren come along.

The Priest: That's right, there's going to be some excitement.

Samuel: I wish Stella's mum was here, but she's working.

The Priest: I haven't seen Lila for years, how is she?

Samuel: She's overworked, has a lot of jobs and is being exploited by a great company, but she always refuses to pay me less or late and always takes the time to call Stella, our parents and me. She seemed exhausted to me, but not as much as last month I suppose.

The Priest: I would like to have seen her, I would pray for her!

Samuel: You are good, Father.

The priest: And how are you?

Samuel: Really well!

The Priest: I ran into Olivia yesterday.

Samuel, frowning: Oh. She's still refusing to leave.

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