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The floodlights blared, pounding in my ears and painting the interior of my craft an evil red. My mouth felt dry and metallic, my tongue coated in a sickly sweetness. FTARI, my integrated artificial intelligence system for Sky Walker (my craft), warned me of the dire situation.

Recently, I've been lying low on credits. Therefore, my supplies like xenon fuel, warp cells, and snacks had been cut down by almost 80%, limiting my travel across the galaxy. So, I took a daring job to excel to the millions. When I spoke with some hideous creature at a field station, it slipped me an envelope and pushed me off. It contained coordinates to an abandoned and barren planet not too far from my usual stick-around spot, but it was too good to be true.

Sure, I got what I went for, but an ambush waited for some idiot like me to step in. I darted out without a thought in my mind and raced away. They followed, but I was quick to lose them. Nevertheless, they still managed to get a damn good hit on me. My shield defenses were down, the hull was badly damaged, and my cockpit had sparks flying out left and right. Additionally, I was suffering an oxygen leak that would leave me dead in the next couple of hours; that's why the floodlights were blaring red.

I kneeled against the wall as chaos erupted around me, and opened my hand. In my palm lay the Jewel of Shiva, from the depths of planet Karva, located forty-five thousand light years from the center of the Vendetta galaxy. In other words, it would surely get me fueled up and continue my journey, but there was an issue on my hands.

I quickly snapped back into the situation.

More sparks sparkled in the air while FTARI shouted over the speakers. "WARNING, WARNING! ONE HOUR AND FIFTY-EIGHT MINUTES OF AIR REMAIN. PLEASE TAKE ACTION."

I froze in my place but quickly found myself back in my cockpit. I have never been in a situation this lethal.... In the past week.

shoving all my thoughts away, I put on a serious face and straightened my posture.

I wasn't going to die now.

"FTARI, you ready to do this?"

"Like every other time! The nearest station is within reach. Would you like me to reboot propulsion systems?" FTARI had this really nice charm in its voice.

I swiped on one of the many computer screens beyond me and there was a slight jolt. Sure, my craft was smoking like there was no tomorrow, but this thing sure was moving. In front of me, beyond the long, horizontal glass window, a bright flash engulfed us. But before you knew it, we were approaching a field station. Field stations are like little pit stops. You can buy supplies there, find jobs of any sort, trade and sell, it was fun to socialize every now and then too. When you get close enough, the landing directors will land your craft for you. I guess there have been a couple of incidents to the point where they can't trust anyone.

They weren't bad at it either.

My craft safely plopped down on its robotic landing legs and I stepped out into the open with confidence. I was currently in possession of a very valuable jewel that could put me up to the top, so walking through the growing crowd felt weird. Rarely would you come around creatures with millions. I was starting to think this was all too good to be true..... For the second time.

I took one last look behind me to make sure my craft hadn't caught on fire before

carrying up some steps to reach the next floor. From the top of the stairs, I darted across the walk away, straight into a huge trading room. I put a nervous smile on my face and approached the creature at the front desk.

"How may I help you?" The creature's raspy voice rang in my ears

"I'm here after Charon to confirm the job I was given has been completed, need to make sure this gets to him." I announced in a questioning tone, handing him the jewel.

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