The Edge

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The next morning, I woke up to this really loud groaning noise, and it was coming from Brute. I couldn't tell if it was something that his body did, or if he was genuinely dying. I ended up trying to sleep through, but that dream quickly ended when a *Bang-Bang-Bang* rang from the cell door.

"Get on your feet!" The LFO warned us. "Lunch is in fifteen!"

"That's all we need," I groaned.

"What!- huh?" Brute shot-up.

I chuckled and stretched my arms wide. Here's to the first day in LFO containment!

First, we were put behind the plates. They ordered Brute and me to serve "food" to everyone, except this wasn't what I call food. I gagged at the sight of this creation, straight-brown mush. The splat on every plate gets me every time.

I looked up at Brute, he was dramatically staring down the wall 15 feet in front of us. I waved my arm in front of him but that didn't work.

"You know that the wall is gonna win no matter what, right?"

"It's not the wall," Brute snapped. "It's you."

"Me?- What did I do?"

"Nothing, but you could do something. You could be very useful, you know."

I paused. What the heck was he talking about, and does it involve getting me out of here?

"Brute, I am flattered. What's the plan, boss?"

"First, I can introduce you to the gang." He put on a smug face.

Later on in the sol, after our "food" shift, they shoved us back into the cell. Brute didn't seem bothered, he had the same smug look on his face.

"So that's it?" I sighed and sat on my bedding. All that happened today was my first impression on containment "food", I didn't blow anything up or even look at Sky Walker.

Brute stomped over to the waste dispenser and kneeled next to it.

"No, there's more, you just gotta help me lift this." He firmly placed his grip on the bottom and wheezed as he attempted to lift it on his own. I rushed over and put my own work in, and we eventually slid it to the side. What was behind it?

"The ventilation, crawling through here can get you to almost every single cell, newer ones aren't connected. Are you in?"

I stopped for a moment, thinking this would probably get me a longer sentence, then confidently nodded and gestured for Brute to go in first. It wasn't the most pleasant experience ever, I came out of the other side covered in white strings. They broke at a soft touch, and the smell... that's a whole-nother story.

The moment I looked up, my heart sank. Three dark figures sat with their elbows on their knees, staring endlessly at my bodily composition. I asked if there was something wrong with me.

"Brute.... I'm gonna ask you one time, and one time only. Who is that."

One of the dark figures bellowed.

"Wait, just listen, ok?" Brute panicked. I didn't see what the problem was, a decently shaped and sized specimen with an awesome suit and powerful brain just crawled into your cell, how would you feel?

"I'm not gonna listen if you aren't gonna follow the rules. Now, why is he."

I almost intervened the moment they asked that, but Brute had other ideas. He angrily stomped up to the mystery voice and grabbed it by the throat. Lifting it high into the light, I could make out a face with a long gash across its right cheek.

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