Letter II

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February 1, 20XX

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February 1, 20XX

Hi Cleo,

You know, when people envy how strong your bond is, they tend to tell stories that did not really happen. They weave lie after lie just to tear apart a friendship that has withstood storm after storm. Most people get swayed by these crazy stories, but I don't, and I won't because I know you so well.

I sat with Daniella in the library early this morning. I needed to study for a quiz, and you weren't at school yet, so I tried to find a place to stay and found her in the library.

We were quiet for a moment before she decided to break the silence. She asked me if I was cheating on my boyfriend. Internally, I was offended and was like, "What? Me? Cheating? Seriously? The pretty Alicia Monteclaro? Cheating? That's crazy!"

It was kind of unbelievable, so I tried asking her how she could say that. I mean, they haven't seen me with anyone except for you and my man, but she was still able to draw that accusation.

She then told me that it was Sarah who told her that, and that girly also told her that it came from you. According to their story, I showed you the messages between me and the guy I was supposed to be cheating with. Daniella also added that she believed what Sarah said because it came from you, who I usually hang out with.

I just laughed at her and even showed her my inbox. There's nothing interesting there.

I couldn't believe they made a story about you spreading false news like that. Like, why would they do that? What would they gain from that? Are there any reasons for them to break up our friendship? Have we offended them in ways we haven't noticed?

Anyway, that doesn't matter because I know you, and I am confident that you wouldn't do something like that. I trust you, and befriending you is the best decision I ever made.

Trusting you wholly,


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