Chapter One - The End

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Buzz, buzz. Buzz, buzz.

I wake up in the comfort of my bed with a gasp, the buzzing of my phone having jolted me awake. Naturally, my hand rests on the lingering scar on my left thigh, and as my fingertips stroke that smooth piece of skin, I briefly remember the night that turned me into a freak.

I heave myself into a sitting position and stare at the phone lying on my bedside table. As I expected, it's a call from Lily. She's probably angry with me again.

I hesitantly accept the call.

"Hey, Misty," she says to me through the phone, doing that fake innocent voice again. "I just wanted to tell you I'll miss you, and I hope you find a great new life without me." There is an obvious tone of sadness laced in with her voice, and knowing her, it's probably intentional. She's been trying to convince me not to move for weeks now.

"Yeah," I say sleepily, following it up with a yawn. My eyelids are heavy and threatening to close. What time is it? I look back down at my phone. 6:57.

"Yeah?" she repeats. "Is that all you can say? Yeah? Misty, you might never see me again! Why aren't you sad?"

I sigh. "To be fair, Lily, you did call me at seven in the morning just to say goodbye. I'm having to fight to stay awake."

"Okay, well," she says, the fake sadness now gone from her voice entirely, "where did you say you were moving to again? I forgot."

Not this again. She already knows. She's already asked.


"Hallowston," she mutters, before pausing. I must have told her this a thousand times; It's a mystery as to what she has against the town of Hallowston, but it could definitely be a reason she doesn't want me to move.

"I heard that town's really shit," she tells me. "It's all manky and there's litter everywhere. Not to mention the crime rate-"

"Yeah," is all I can say, just to get her to stop talking. "Yeah."

For a moment, she stays completely silent.

Then, "Well, I guess it's time to say our last goodbyes."

Not knowing why, my chest suddenly tightens, my face going hot as I remember her face. "Y-Yeah," I reply. "Goodbye, Lily."

"Bye," she says back. "I love you!"

"I love-"

She hangs up.

For a second, all I can do is stare at my phone, thoughts of Lily clashing in my mind. I hate her. I hate her. I hate her. But why should I hate someone who was nothing but nice to me my whole life? Is this really how I'm repaying her?

And then - I don't know why this happens but - my vision is blurred with tears. My breaths become short and shallow. Stifling the sound of my sobbing with a pillow, tears leak from my eyes as all I can think of is Lily. Stupid Lily. Amazing Lily. God, why do I just cry at everything? Why am I like this?



The call of Grandma's voice from downstairs shakes me back awake. Once again, I wake up touching the scar: the first thing I do every single day. And I don't even know why.

Did I really fall asleep?

I get to my feet, leaving the comfort of my bed, catching a glimpse of myself in the giant mirror.

"Yeah, Grandma?" I call back.

"Misty, it's time to leave!" she responds. "Get ready, pack up if you need to. We're waiting in the car!"

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