(Y/N) and Melly

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(art mine,you can save it and do wathever you want :3)

**Nobody POV**

They don't remember about theyr parents,they are orphans...

A little girl named Melly was the only one that dosn't like much making friends and playing with others,she have the soul of creativity(color is kinda teal),the soul of creativity have the power to create stuff like food,weapons or what she draw,she have long brown hair and teal eyes.

Her dream was to get adopted by a good family,but she always watch the others getting adopted...

Meanwhile the others are playing and doing chaos,Melly is drawing,the others are getting adopted till she is the only one left...

Her pencil got brocked and she starts to cry...she can't finish her last drawing...(She did many drawings)

Till another girl appeared and grabs another pencil and finished Melly's unfinished drawing,her name is (Y/N).

(You know that scene right??)

(Y/N) and Melly becomes immediately best friends and they starts to play happily...but someone is watching them...holding a Gaster plushy...

One day (Y/N) fix Melly's front hair.

(Y/N):You are more cuter like this Melly...

Melly starts to blush and ran away.

Melly saw the Gaster plushy on the floor so she pick it up and go inside the office of the owner of the orphanage,Melly put the plushy on the desk and suddenly gets shocked.

Melly saw many papers with various experiments of all of those orphanage,all of them failed and died.

Last experiment...(Y/N) or Melly.

Melly gets out of the office and starts to cry hiding sitting on the ground hugging her knees,(Y/N) sits next to her and try to comfort her.

Melly smiles to her and so they starts to play hide and seek,(Y/N) run to hide meanwhile Melly counts crying.

When (Y/N) is hiding inside a room,Melly closed the door blocking it so (Y/N) can't exit...(Y/N) yells and punches the door very roughly that her hand hurt...(Y/N) then turn around and looks at the window and sees Melly getting adopted...

(Y/N) noticed something about her...Melly wasn't happy...Melly wasn't excited...she was like afraid,worried...

Melly thinks (Y/N) will be saved,but for Melly it's too late.

**Present still nobody's POV**

Years later, it's been a while Melly didn't see (Y/N) but she still think she is fine,that she is safe and she wish to see her again one day.

Melly smiles and a tear run on her cheek...

(That's all I guess,next time let's starts SD Dream meeting (Y/N) and then SD Nightmare meeting Melly,so yeah,it's a SD Dream X SD Female Reader and also SD Nightmare X my OC SD Melly)

(That's Melly G. or Melly after the experiment,the pic is from AI and I edited it,knowing the experiment went well and her soul got fused with Gaster's Soul, don't worry not gonna make her Op or God.)

(See ya next time! :3)

SD DreamXSD Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now