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A/N : Hey guys!! This is my first ever story I have written so please,please,please,please,PLEASE like or recommend (if you like) anyways on to the story.

Itan Private University, A school where appearances are key to being accepted  to this prestigious school.

Tadano's POV
"I can't believe an "average Joe" like me was able to enter a school like this"  As I entered IPU, (itan private blah blah u get the point) brought out my shoes from the shoe cubby, I noticed a student taking her shoes from the shoe cubby aswell.

I knew this was the chance to atleast show I'm a normal student so I stopped whatever I was doing (thinking) and decided to say good morning.

Tadano: Oh, if you're using this shoe cubby you must be in the same class as me! Good mor....

Tadano was amazed by the beauty and familiarity of the girl he was talking to.

Third person POV
??? was shocked but happy that someone was talking to her but unsure if she should respond back. In the end she was able to.

???:G-good m-morn-ning t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t

Tadano: Uhh.. why is this so... familiar?

Embarrassed and dissapointed, ??? sped walked to her class before Tadano could utter a single word.

Tadano: ... what just-how did- what the duck (yes duck, everthing else is allowed... e-except for swearing) just happened?

He looked at the name on her shoe cubby, It spelt Shouko Komi. "Komi, Shouko Komi" That name felt odlly familiar to Tadano. Shaking it off, he walked to his class.

Komi's POV (Pretend the rest is in italics i'm to lazy to put it that way)
I didn't know it was... Tadano... I haven't seen him since high school. It feels nice seeing him again... no no no no no no! Calm down komi! We're just friends!... just friends...

On the outside, Komi accepted Tadano as a friend, but in the inside she wanted to be more than that.

But she couldn't help wondering... was that wrong?

A/N I am so sorry it has to be short but I ran out of udeas at the last minute so hopefully i will get more today or tomorrow.

Signing Off!

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