Chapter 2

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Sheng Churan was the "celebrity" of Class 3 in sophomore year, strikingly beautiful with a bold and unrestrained demeanor.

Almost all the students in the class knew two things about her—firstly, Sheng Churan despised Bai Xunyin, whom she viewed as a delicate white lotus flower. Leveraging her popularity and lavish spending, Sheng successfully led the entire class to ostracize Bai Xunyin.

The reason Bai Xunyin occasionally found herself locked in the classroom after school was all because of Sheng Churan.

Class 3 consisted of fifty students, organized into groups of two or three for daily cleaning duties. Each group would rotate once or twice a month to clean up after school.

The hygiene committee deliberately assigned Bai Xunyin, Sheng Churan, and Sheng Churan's follower, Zhong Qin, to the same group. Whenever it was their turn to clean, Sheng Churan would leave with Zhong Qin after the other classmates had left. Not only would she leave early, but she would also lock Bai Xunyin inside the classroom.

The student on duty in the evening had to bring the keys the next morning to unlock the classroom. So, Sheng Churan believed that even if Bai Xunyin was locked in the classroom overnight, no one would find out.

Even when Liu Chen told Shen Langli about this, Sheng Churan remained indifferent—she came from a wealthy and influential family, was exceptionally beautiful, and had a good social circle. What was wrong with "accidentally" locking a classmate in the classroom? Who could dare to reprimand her?

Because Bai Xunyin couldn't speak, any resistance was silent and unnoticed, so such "acts of violence" continued in silence.

In Class 3, the students either turned a blind eye or distanced themselves.

But they all knew that Sheng Churan hated Bai Xunyin; that was the first thing.

The second thing was that Sheng Churan liked Yu Luoyin from the adjacent class. She had openly declared her intention to pursue him, bold and passionate, creating almost school-wide gossip.

Even the teachers knew about this and had spoken to Sheng Churan about it. But no one could stop Sheng Churan; she was determined to pursue Yu Luoyin.

Aside from Bai Xunyin, hardly any students at Third High School were unaware of Yu Luoyin. He was voted the school's "campus hunk" on the internal school network, consistently ranking in the top three in every exam. Who wouldn't know him?

Teenage girls at sixteen or seventeen were in the most restless period of adolescence. How many hadn't fantasized about Yu Luoyin, this typical "son of heaven"?

However, few dared to express it as boldly and passionately as Sheng Churan did, waiting for Yu Luoyin outside his classroom door almost every day after school...

Bai Xunyin heard about these things from gossip among other students.

It was strange; she had automatically blocked out everything about Sheng Churan before. But ever since that day she had seen Yu Luoyin after school, his news seemed to constantly surround her.

Like something that always lingered around you, you didn't care about it when you didn't pay attention, just felt like passing clouds.

But once you paid a little attention, you couldn't help but feel that he, Yu Luoyin, was everywhere.

It turned out that Sheng Churan and Yu Luoyin were not in a relationship.

It was only Sheng Churan's one-sided liking for him.

"Hey, Bai Xunyin." Liu Yufu in front turned around and knocked on her desk. "Give me the math paper."

Liu Yufu was a girl with a delicate appearance and glasses, also the math representative in the class. After the second class every day, she was responsible for collecting homework and sending it to the math teacher's office, but she always asked Bai Xunyin for the math paper right after the first class.

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