2 chapter ★ Fell asleep

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3rd persom pov

After they'r Recess they proceed to they'r class, beomgyu was so bored and fell asleep, he slept through all his class

Beomgyu pov

I was sleeping peacefully when someone shake me trying to wake me up of course i woke up as i was rubbing my eyes i saw a figure standing in the front of me when my eyes are fully clear i finally saw the figure standing in the front of me.

"Um hey the class is over and your the only one in the class so i wake you up and its almost going to be dark soon so you need to go home now and since the streets are dangerous too"

Said by the figure standing in the front of me

"Oh thanks for waking me up"

I said while i open my phone and i saw a message from kai

"Hey beomgyu im sorry i didn't wake you i have emergency sorry! "

I sigh i forgive him i know what is the emergency kai has a family problem too so i understand

" um btw im yeonjun and sorry to bump to you i while ago"

Yeonjun said to me while smiling

"Oh its okay its not a big deal"

I said while getting all my stuff to my bag so i can go home now and i hope my dad didn't hurt my mom again

"Hey wanna walk home together? Since its dangerous in street"

Yeonjun said smiling

"Sure why not"

We are now in the outside of the school and we walk all the way to our house while walking weve been talking alot now and weve become friends to each other when we arrived to outside of our house

"Hey yeonjun we are here outside our house so look like your gonna walk home alone do you want me to walk you home? "
I said looking at him

"Oh its okay i can get myself to walk to my home since its not that far away"

Yeonjun said to me

"Are you sure its kinda dark they'r i told you we should get the bus"

I said while chuckling

"Yeah i can do it im not a little kid beom"

Yeonjun said while smirking

"Okay okay now go before its gonna be so dark oh btw let exchange number so we can talk more"

I said


Yeonjun gave me his number and i gave him my number too

"Now go because its gonna be dark soon"

I said while smiling to him

"Yeah bye beomgyu"

Yeonjun said while waving his hand to me , i watch him until i cant see him anymore

I walk inside to our house, thanks to my lucky charm my dad is not here finally my mom can sleep peacefully

I immediately run to my room and so i can wash and eat and sleep and relax cause im going early to school tommorow

After i shower i prepare my stuff for school tommorow and i cooked so i can eat after that i finally lay down to my bed
And play some music while listening to music, my eyes feels heavy so i closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep.

༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ Author note ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶

Hey guys i didn't expect that someone would read this last time i saw this story has 3 view and when i came back it has 22 view im very thankful to everyone who read this btw im sorry lied that im going to update you guys later in my first chap but i forgot i was supposed to update you guys im sorry

And sorry for my grammar love you all🌷

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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