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At 08:00am

Taehyung was in the bathroom taking bath , where he just stand under the shower, with his head up making the water hit his face which was giving him peace than after some few more minutes he wrap towel around his lower body ~

Taehyung went towards his closest and take out his office outfit than he went towards vanity and pick up hair dryer he was drying his hair when his eye fall on his chest side, there was a scar which make stop for sec he stare at the scar and than suddenly reality hit him and shake his head

Taehyung went towards his closest and take out his office outfit than he went towards vanity and pick up hair dryer he was drying his hair when his eye fall on his chest side, there was a scar which make stop for sec he stare at the scar and than ...

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Than he immediately wore his white shirt he was still wet but he wore shirt because he was getting mad at his scar he didn't make his hairstyle and wore his suit than he went downstairs and make a simple cup of tea for himself

Taehyung : what is this life ??

He said while staring at his sarounding there was pin drop silence

Taehyung : no-one is with me , why I'm alone??? I'm alone since you left me mom

Taehyung shrugged off and when he was about to pick up the cup of tea it mistakenly fall which make his hand burn , he didn't hiss nor he made any expression, he just stare at his hand for few sec

Taehyung : and see mom , no-one is here who can treat this wound who can get worried for my pain ~

He chuckled at himself than he take tissue and wipe his hand aggressively which was causing him pain but he didn't react he was mad ,

Taehyung : maybe my life made this way , all alone no-one to love , no-one to care , no-one to get worried ~

He sit on the chair closer to the counter of his kitchen than again he scan his own house and obviously he saw no-one

Taehyung : is there anyone who can listen to me ? And comfort me the way I want, anyone???

He look at his wrist watch and realised it's almost 08:30 , he sighed hard and said while picking up his stuff

Taehyung : why am I talking about these useless things ?

He come out in his parking and take out his car out of the house on the road

He come out in his parking and take out his car out of the house on the road

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