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I woke up to a girl standing in front of me with a worried grin on her face. The girl looked almost like me and was about 5'3 with short blonde hair and emerald green eyes. She wore a green turtle neck that complimented her eyes and black skinny jeans with a pair of all white shoes with small green details on the sides. I was very confused because our feature look similar but we also have things that are different. For example, she has blonde hair and I have brown hair; she has green eyes and I have brown eyes. It didn't make sense to me at all.
"Morda! I'm so glad you're alright!" The girl said quickly running up to me and hugging me as tight as she can.
"C-can't breathe" I tell her while I lose air from how tight she was hugging me. She let go and began apologizing.
"Omg I'm so sorry Morda! I didn't mean to do that! I just missed you so much! It's been awhile since I last saw you!" The girl steps back to give me space and I stare at her in confusion.
"I'm sorry to say this and I don't mean this in a bad way but who are you?" I ask her as nicely as possible
"You don't remember me? I'm Juni your sister. Well, half-sister because your mom is my mom as well." Juni says concerned I don't remember her.
"W-wait half sister?! Since when do I have a half-sister? My mom has never told me about this! If you're my half-sister then that means you have a different dad than me." Things started making some sense to me, mainly why she looks similar but different to me.
"Yea so my dad and our mom had an affair when you were 1 and our mom got pregnant with me but didn't want your dad to know so she gave me to my biological dad to raise me and I've always been hidden from her family and you until now." The room started to spin and I grip onto the sides of the bed to the point where my hands turn white.
"S-so we're a year apart and you really are my half-sister." I let go of the sides of the bed and look at her. "But wait, why would you come see me? Why now? What made you come see me?" I press a button on the wall for a nurse and ask for 2 waters. I needed one and thought I'd be nice and get Juni a water as well.
"I came to see you because my father passed away a year ago from suicide and I've been working up the money to come fly out this way because my father didn't leave me anything. After I was born, all the money he had went to his drug addiction and we were basically dirt poor. There were days I had to sleep on the street because we would get evicted out of places we were staying at. When I was old enough to work, I dropped out of school and went to work to help support him and I in surviving. While his money went to drugs, my money went to paying the bills. Last year after I had turned 18, my dad took a shotgun to his head and shot himself dead. I was at work when it happened and got a call from the police department that he had committed suicide. I was heartbroken at first but as time went on I knew that I had to basically do this on my own now. When I found out about my mom's side was when I was cleaning out storage one day and found a photo of my dad with a women who had similar features to mine. There was also a pile of letters stashed underneath that photo with the name "Sashimi Posists" written on the bottom so I started doing research and seen that she had another daughter, you, and a son, my half-brother, and was married."
Juni sits down after she finishes and smiles at me. This girl kinda creeps me out but I guess I'm kinda stuck with her at this point since she is my half sister.
"Okay first off, I'm so sorry that this happened to you and that your life wasn't the best but to clear some things up. So mom is still alive and we are living in a really nice house with a lady I had made friends with a few months ago. Mom and my biological dad divorced because my dad and sometimes her were very abusive to me and sometimes our dog Golden, who was a golden retriever. Mom would hold me down and my dad would hit me with a belt but one day she stood up for me and he started abusing her, the cops were called and he was arrested and she was in critical care for her wounds. Golden was taken away and put into a shelter for injured dogs. As for our brother, Astrik died at 20 after fighting in the Army and being shot in the chest. Between him and I, he was always the favorite because he was considered "the better child" while I was considered "the runaway" most of the time."
Callie walked in with my mom and my moms eyes widened at the sight of Juni. "mom?" Juno said with a grin on her face. "Juni?" My mom said back concerned

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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