Chapter Four

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"You're clearly manifesting something," Dr. Reyes told Dani as she drew some blood to inspect, "but we need to do more tests to find out what it is.

"It's okay," Reyes continued. "I'm a doctor. Actually, I come from a family of doctors. My mother was a vet. A lot of pets came in with rattlesnake bites." The doctor closed the vial of Dani's blood as she continued.

"Did you know baby rattlesnakes are more dangerous than adult ones? They haven't learned how to control how much venom they secrete. Even the mutants we call heroes today... when they first got their powers... chances are they hurt someone. That's why new mutants are dangerous. And they need to be..."

"Locked up?" Dani asked.

"Sequestered from average humans, for their safety and ours," Reyes corrected.

- - - 

Outside, Rahne walked up to the church and entered the witness box.

"Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned," Rahne prayed as she held onto her cross necklace. "It's been a week since my last confession.

- - - 

"My superior runs a facility for gifted mutants," Dr. Reyes told Dani after placing a bandage on Dani's arm.

"You could move there after this, if you wanted to," Reyes continued.

"Luke said I could even get out of here faster if I follow your program," Dani admitted, causing Reyes to smile.

"I've noticed that you've been growing closer to Luke and Rahne," the doctor said. "I have also noticed you and Luke have taken a liking to each other. That's good. When he doesn't lose control, he's a good influence. And he's right."

"What do you mean 'lose control'?" Dani asked, but Reyes dodged the question.

"It's important we find out exactly what your power is so we can help you control it," Reyes said, leaving Dani confused.

- - - 

"I've had unholy thoughts," Rahne confessed in her repentance.

"I lied to Dr. Reyes," Rahne continued. "And I covered for Luke when he went up in the vents again."

She stopped, however, when she heard the muffled clanging of the door.

"Hello?" Rahne called, only to receive no answer. Confused, she turned back to her confession. "I'm gonna say one Our Father and two Hail Marys, okay?"

The door on the other side of the box creaked as it opened by itself.

"Hello?" Rahne asked, starting to get scared as the door closed again. "Who's there?" Her fear turned to terror as a voice from her past answered with a single word.


Rahne ran out as the supposed ghost of Reverend Craig began rattling the witness box.

"You witch!" the voice shouted loudly. "I'll flay the flesh from your bones!" Rahne ran out into the graveyard, fell to her knees, and clutched the cross around her neck as she began to whisper a single line three times.

"Demons can't come in churches."

- - - 

In his room, Luke glared at his tally before sighing in disappointment.

Luke lost control again. Thankfully, no one was hurt or killed this time, but it was close. He looked at the scratched out tallies and sighed again. He was the most dangerous mutant here.

Raising his right fist, Luke brought out his claws and slashed through the marks. After retracting the adamantium blades, he picked up a marker and started a new tally. Once he finished, he heard his door knock.

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