The light in darkness

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Pairing: mafia leader !Taeyong x f!readerGenre: Mafia, slight angst, fluffWarnings: None

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Pairing: mafia leader !Taeyong x f!reader
Genre: Mafia, slight angst, fluff
Warnings: None...just mention of guns and try to kill. Threats, misunderstandings, unforgiving and forgiveness, false death news and rival gang. A lot of mafia shits and mutual understanding and love.


Fire in the eyes.

That's how his eyes were reflecting the massacre in front of him.

Building engulfed in the high-rise fire and dense white and gray smoke. A smirk appeared on the face of the leader, brushing back his hairs and kicking the small piece of rock with the tip of his shoe, he turned around to face his best friend.

"It's done, boss."

The leader just nodded and walked towards the car waiting for him in the distance and he knew that the mission was successful and his revenge was over.

As usual he succeeded in this mission too.

He killed you.


Years had passed after the death of the CEO, Taeyong took over the organization, a well-known figure as the mafia leader of the leading group, NCT.

Despite his busy schedule, he always made time for his brother Mark, attending his university events and supporting his endeavors. Basically, you are Mark's batchmate so it's a gift for him to meet you whenever he goes to meet his set up spy --- his brother.

One night, as Taeyong was winding down after a long day after a mission, his phone rang. Seeing Mark's name on the screen, he answered immediately.

"Mark? What's wrong?" Taeyong asked, sensing the distress in his brother's voice.

"Hyung," Mark sobbed, barely able to get the words out. "She ruined everything. y/n... she destroyed our mission and tried to kill me."

Taeyong's heart sank.

y/n , someone Taeyong had come to know and trust. you seemed kind-hearted and genuinely in love with him. What could have happened to cause such a rift?

"Calm down, Mark. Tell me everything," Taeyong urged, trying to keep his own emotions in check.

Through broken words and stifled sobs, Mark recounted the story. He claimed that you had betrayed them, leaking confidential information that led to the destruction of the company. you had allegedly colluded with a rival to humiliate him and tarnish their reputation.

Taeyong was devastated, feeling betrayed by the person he loved most.

How could you do this to him?

He felt a surge of anger unlike anything he had ever experienced. you had seemed like the perfect girl, but now it appeared that you had a dark side. Taeyong vowed to make you pay for what you had done to them.

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