Meet Lexi

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Hi ! My name is Alexa Marie Hossler but everyone calls me Lexi :)

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Hi ! My name is Alexa Marie Hossler but everyone calls me Lexi :)

I'm 17 years old and I currently live in LA with the Sway house along side of my older and very protective brother Jaden , I used to live in a apartment with my good friend Ellie but after I ended my acting career my manger and the Sway Houses manager thought it would be better if I moved into the sway house for a change of scenery and it would be a better environment for me to promote and start my modelling/influencer Career

Anyways , I've been living in the sway house for 2 weeks now and every thing so far is great ! Although I'm one of the younger members everyone treats me so well and I have so much respect for everyone here ! I've gotten really close with the girls , Nessa,Addison,Amelie and of course my brothers Girlfriend Mads ! There all so sweet and they take such good care of me and they support every single decision I make regarding my new career !

My brother has always been protective over me since I was little , I mean as the only boy in the house the majority of the time he kinda stepped up to be the man of the house , our dad used to go on work trips so it was usually just mom,Jaden me and our 2 sisters Sophie and Haley ! Me and Jaden on the other hand have a really close and special bond as we are the 2 youngest kids . And to be honest we both weren't really close with our other sisters sure we had a bond but not as tight and close as the bond we share ! So he's always been very protective over me like it was his job as my older brother to do anything in his power to keep me safe which he did and honesty I thank him for it ! He's been there for me through the thick and thin and I would not change it for the world

Now after living in the sway house all the guys there have started to get protective over me which I get ! They all think of me as a little sister especially josh ! Josh has been best friends with Jaden for years now ! And me and him are very close and I think of him as brother the same way he thinks of me as a sister ! So to say that they watch my every move would be a understatement! But I like it ! The fact that I know that people care about me warms
My heart and at least I know if something where to happen to me people would care !

Now a lot of you must think I'm crazy for being so young and starting my 2nd career ! Yes I'm only 17 years old but when I was 11 I got signed off to be on my first ever TV show and that was life changing! And that was the start of my acting career ! Now 6 years later my love for acting was fading away and I had to make the decision to stop acting and move on to something I really wanna do cause "Life is to short to wait" so now I am pursuing my dream of becoming a model and social media influencer! And hopefully this one lasts big longer !!

Now let's get started with the book !!!!

A/n hope you all enjoy !!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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