An Unexpected Meeting

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The clutter of the hallway had finally begun to overwhelm Piko; noise, noise everywhere. People pushing and shoving, yelling was the only thing to hear. These spaces stressed him out. Anxiety overwhelmed him. A familiar face was all he seeked. Someone who can help calm his nerves. He forgot to take his medication that morning, so he was extra irritable. Due to the rush, he knew he needed to get out of there quickly. He shoved his way ahead of people and forced space for himself. The few people he shoulder-checked will be fine, what mattered most to him was getting out of there before it became too much.

Before he knew it, he had ran straight into someone. A red haired boy with porcelain skin, his hair was a mess and his face had an enormous scar. The boy smelled of peppermint and a hint of coconut. This could only be one person, Fukase.

"Oh thank god you're here. I forgot to take my medicine this morning and need to get out of here." Piko communicated, seeming to want to add another sentence but cutting himself off. Fukase hated dealing with Piko unmedicated. His pallid hand grabbed Piko's, giving Piko an instant chill. Fukase usually wasn't the caring kind, but he understood how stressful the situation must've been for Piko. He then walked Piko out of the building and they slowly made their way towards the sidewalk.

Piko needed time to decompress and calm down, so he put headphones in to listen to nature sounds. Ironic, being outside yet needing to listen to more 'outside noises'. Fukase was exhausted from the day, as he had a major project due in one of his classes. He finished a 3 week project in an hour along with a poorly done presentation. The worst part about this was that it was in a class with a girl he really liked; not only did he get a bad grade but he embarrassed himself in front of his crush.

They both walked at a similar pace, taking up the majority of the sidewalk. Unfortunately they couldn't drive, so their dorms were a 15 minute walk away. After 10 minutes of silence and breathing exercises from Piko, a conversation started up.

"The school is so big, I hate the end of the day." Piko furrowed his brow while saying this. Fukase took a minute to reply, "At least schools over.. Better than a fire drill.". Piko side eyed him before fixating his eyes back onto the sidewalk. "Fire drills make me nervous..-" Between Piko's pause to reply, Fukase had already started up a different conversation, "What do you want to do when we get back into our apartment?- Oh sorry didn't mean to interrupt you."

Piko just looked at Fukase, no words. They didn't say anything else the rest of the way. Piko was obviously just anxious and needed some silence.

As soon as they arrived at their apartment, Piko went straight for his room. He had a little 'do not disturb' sign he put out. Fukase usually made fun of him for doing that, but he didn't have the energy today. Instead of bothering Piko, Fukase decided to bother Oliver. He went and knocked on Oliver's door. No reply. "Hey loser it's me.". No reply. Great. He decided to text Len. 

Within 10 minutes Fukase was out the door, sending in a group chat with Oliver and Piko "at lens"

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Within 10 minutes Fukase was out the door, sending in a group chat with Oliver and Piko "at lens". When he walked out the apartment door to the elevator, his heart nearly skipped a beat when he saw who was in the elevator. Flower. He tried to play it cool by putting one hand in his jackets pocket and looking at the walls of the elevator. His hand trembled when he pressed the button for two floors up. Flower noticed and brought up, "Oh hey that's the floor I live on too. Didn't know you lived on there." Fukase was trying to hide his expression. Hearing her voice was like listening to your favorite part of a song. He tried to play it cool and said, "Ah, no I'm just hanging with Len."

Flower looked over at him, giggling. "That's ironic, Rin invited me over. I probably won't come for another hour, though. Maybe I'll see you there?" Fukase's pale skin looked a very deep red now. It blended softly with his hair, however his ears clearly stuck out. His face was burning up, it felt like the sun was right next to him. The elevator dinged as it opened. Fukase waited for Flower to leave first, then stepped out himself. He had no idea she was neighbors to Rin and Len.

Fukase shuffled his feet to Rin and Len's apartment and invited himself in. Rin was sitting on the couch watching some cheesy Hallmark movie. "Oh hey loser." Fukase uttered. Rin shot back, "'Sup nerd." Fukase walked over to Len's door and bursted it open to then slam it shut. Len was on his bed playing Minecraft, in plaid pajama pants and a random band tee. Fukase didn't say a word to him and just laid down on the bed. Len snickered, "Hey baby girl.". Fukase wasn't paying attention, in fact, he couldn't even if he tried. He just couldn't stop thinking about Flower. She's just next door right now. 

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