Chapter 2: the planning

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I brought the idea to the table. And, as I knew they would, agreed. To make them the perfect murder's each of us had to come up with our own killing methods. Elizabeth would copycat the Zodiac Killer. Joven would go with the anarchistic methods. Dina used the methods of Gacy, and I practiced the Egyptian mummification techniques. Our first Victim was a 18 year old who was accused of sexual assault, but due to his rich daddy, had gotten away. Dina and Elizabeth both went for him. First we all broke into the house. We disabled any alarms and set up everything. When he arrived Dina held a blade to his throat. Elizabeth bound his arms and and feet, then forced him to his knees. Then she held a gun to his head. Dina held the blade to his throat. I walked up to him, and whispered
"Your death will only affect your rich father. The rest will be happy. And we will send all of your other rich friends down to hell right behind you."
Then Dina plunged the knife into his esophagus. He bled out within 30 seconds. Then we left the coded message and out his body in lye and hydrochloric acid. Then we walked. The blood was pumping and we all left laughing. Now we will make the world proper

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