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A damn party? Trust me it's nice but were they expecting a relationship to come from us?

" Will you get married?" Tzuyu teased

" It's too weird to think like that already" Sunhee scoffed at her

" Thanks " I mouthed to her

Jay came to sit beside me, he leaned in to whisper in my ear

" Do you wanna leave?" he suggested

" As if, we're literally the most important here" I sighed, wondering when the day would end

" I know, but you never liked parties" he kept insisting

" I told you that 5 years ago-"

" Core memory, it'd be rude of me to forget right?" he laughed off

Damn this guy was really the one for me

After an hour everyone decided to leave and generously cleaned up after us

Jungkook left without me, which did confuse me at first but I remained with Jay

" Wanna stay over?" his eyes widened, even if I didn't want to be with him he would've made me stay with his pretty face

" Why not" I laughed off

We went to go to his room to relax for a bit

The guitar in his room was familiar, the same one I saw when we first met

He turned on a movie for us to watch as we cuddled close together

" I wonder what my parents would think " I smiled unexpectedly

" That you're in a healthy relationship?" My smile dropped

Not funny at all

" Hey, we all get there eventually" I sulked

" What about my parents, will they finally realise that they seperated me from my love? Or maybe just not care at all-"

" Jay, your parents love you. Believe me they do, I don't think any of this was intentional to hurt you, okay?" I stroked his hair

" Alright, I'll talk to them tomorrow" he deeply exhaled in exhaustion

I slowly found myself falling asleep

Ever since I've been with Jay my sleep has been much better, even though I was suffering from insomnia

A soft blanket fell over my shoulders, then a kiss landed on my cheek

I thought Jay had been getting ready for work so I immediately woken up with full conscience

Which was odd since I hate waking up for work

I love my job, it's just the waking up part

Beside me slept Jay with his slightly messy hair

The clock read midnight

I adjusted his hair strands back into place and moved closer to him

" Go to sleep" he whispered to me, keeping his eyes shut

I hummed to him as a reply of ' yes '

I shut my eyes and relaxed my body, but instead my stomach rumbled so damn loud

He chuckled and sat up straight ," Get up then"

" I'm fine" I turned to the opposite side to avoid eye contact

" Yeah sure, get up" he came to sit beside me and had his arms onto my waist

I remained in position, denying to leave

" Fine then " he loosened his grip off of me only to pick me up

He grabbed both my legs easily with one arm and his other one around my waist

I held in my smile as he was searching for the staircase

He paused for a second, brushing my hair behind my ear

I laughed by his action then he leaned in for a kiss

At first his intention was to keep it short except he slowly deepened it loosening his grip off me only just for me just to wrap my legs around his hips

Once the kiss gotten hotter, footsteps were heard, towards us

" I- I was gonna say I accidentally slept on your couch"

Jungkook had his hands covering his mouth

" Jeon Eunjae, you damn lia-"

" Find a relationship for yourself okay? Don't need to be mad at me" I pushed him away forcefully

" I just came to tell you your parents are coming back "

" I just came to tell you your parents are coming back "

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