Chapter seventeen: FRIENDLY FATALITY

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He told him everything. All of the abuse and neglect he went through as a child, all of the things he heard and saw, how he just wanted to live in peace but couldn't, etc. Through his words, he'd sniffle or his breath would hitch for a few seconds. His voice sounded melancholy, his words laced with fear and sorrow. He hadn't told anyone about what he went through, for he was scared. Getting it out and telling someone made him feel a tad bit better.
   It took around 30 minutes until he stopped and wiped the tears from his eyes. When he looked back at Bonnie, he looked mortified. His eyes were wide open, his jaw dropped. Pity filled him.
   Bonnie tried to say something but didn't know where to begin. So he just hugged Clyde and said, "I'm so sorry, Clyde... You shouldn't have seen or been through any of that..."
   Clyde returned the embrace, calming himself down a bit. He didn't respond, those words replaying in his mind over and over. They stuck with him.
   "Thanks..." Clyde sniffled. Bonnie just nodded.
   Whilst it felt good to say something, Clyde felt bad for saying anything. He felt unsafe. Why would he say a thing? Why would he worry Bonnie? He shouldn't have even tried.
   He should stop lying to himself.
   A few minutes passed by, both of them silent. Clyde broke the silence.
   "Wanna go see if the others are awake yet?...." He suggested. His tears were gone, now calmed down.
   "Sure!" Bonnie responded in a cheery tone.
   Clyde smiled, rubbing his eyes as Bonnie got out of bed. A few bags were seen on the end of the bed. They weren't there last night. Had they just... Appeared?
   Bonnie saw what was inside of it. It was the bags of clothes they had left behind after Clyde got shot. He was perplexed, taking out a few clothes for what he'd wear today. He took an oversized grey beige hoodie that he picked out, black leggings, underwear, white socks, a wine red colored skirt, and red boots.
   He passed one of the bags to Clyde, saying, "I... Honestly, dunno how they got here but... Eh, it's whatever, I guess."
   He headed to the restroom that was nearby to change. Clyde pulled out a grey-blue sweater, grey baggy pants, a blue-green necklace, tele-grey colored bracelets, black shoes, underwear, and white socks. He stood up and quickly got dressed. He sat the bags in between the nightstands that stood on either side of the two beds.
   Soon Bonnie came out of the restroom, dressed up as well. They didn't bother to question how the bags got there, going out the door.
   Immediately, they were met with Loz and Night fighting in the hallway. Loz threw Night to a wall, causing a loud thud. Blood from his wounds flew out as his body was thrown. The handle of a dagger was held in between the sharp teeth of Loz as he charged at Night. He swung the blade at his cheek, Night strangling Loz by his neck... Well, if it could even be considered a neck. It was more so a small, light purple, rhombus snapped crystal that floated in between his head and body. It did nothing strangling him there.
   End, Tris, Ross, and Charlie were watching by their door. Túmá and Lucy were at the end of the hallway, cheering them on. They seemed amused, watching the fight. Zero wasn't seen, probably in a room. Hecate would be downstairs.
   Bonnie and Clyde were both concerned and discombobulated. What happened? Why were they fighting?
   End discerned them, turning to face them. "Ah, don't mind them. They just like fightin' every now and then. It's kinda what our group does." He explained nonchalantly.
   "... That boy has a fucking knife..." Bonnie whimpered, pointing at Loz. "You just bring out weapons on each other for fun?!"
   "Exactly! Besides, we can be healed easily." End said with his usual smile.
   Neither of them said a thing, going back to watch the two fight. By now, Night was off the wall, both of them fist-fighting. Loz had the blade of his dagger in his own leg, having stabbed it inside of him. Purple blood spewed out of his leg, but he didn't care. Loz did an uppercut to Night's jaw before left hooking his kidney.
   Night sucked his teeth, holding his side in pain. Loz "dagger kicked" his chest, forcing him to fall to the floor. He put a foot on his skull, turning his head to the side. He put a tad bit of pressure, just enough to scare Night. Night put a hand around Loz's ankle.
   "Give up," Loz demanded in an icy tone. His voice deepened a bit, his accent hidden.
   "Fine, fine! I give up!" Night groaned.
   "Good lil' fag!" Loz joked, helping Night up.
   They were both a bleeding mess, Night being beaten up the most. Bruises were forming on his skin, cuts bleeding a shade of orange. His shirt was torn up, as was his pants. A bit of his physique peeked out from the tears in his clothes.
   As for Loz, only a couple of bruises were forming, one of the cuts on him was on his stomach. A tear accompanied the bleeding purple cut. The other was on his leg where the dagger slept. He yanked it out and put it in his pocket like it was nothing.
   "Tch, so ya won't heal me?" Night scoffed, a bit mad at Loz for attacking him for seemingly no reason. That was one thing, and to not help him with his wounds after was another.
   "'Ell nah, I won't! Dz'yew ev' know 'ow ze 'ealin' works?" Loz playfully nudged Night's sore shoulder.
   "Nigga, you know I ain' good wit' this pagan ass typa' shit!" Night argued.
   "Mhm... Tuh' put i' simple, in z'his context, 'ealin' requires kissin' ze nigga ya 'it. An' I ain' kissin' ya; we're brotha's."
   "Eh, adopted b-"
   Loz slapped him across the face, flashing a psychotic smile and wide eyes at him. He grabbed him by his shoulders. "Still, i's weird."
   Night went silent, meaning what he said was a joke. Yet Loz didn't take things like that as a joke.
   Loz flicked Night's neck, causing him to flinch. Somehow, it healed him. Night furrowed an eyebrow in confusion.
   "You -prolly- could've done anythin' else... Yet ya do that?" He scolded.
   "Tch," Loz slapped him across the face again, leaving a red mark. "best drop z'hat damn attitude, lil' nigga. I'll easily beat cho ass fo' fun."
   Night pried himself away from Loz, looking unimpressed and unamused. He crossed his arms under his chest, feeling the cuts close up and the bleeding stop.
   Abruptly, Night pounced on top of Loz. He punched him in the nose, causing Loz's eyes to water.
   "¡Hijo de puta!" Loz groaned before tossing Night off of him.
   He grabbed Night's ankles and glanced at the staircase. He dragged Night behind him as he ran over to it. As soon as he threw Night to the stairs, Night grabbed the railing. He tripped but caught himself.
Night looked at Loz with a furious expression, his eyes wide and his eyebrows furrowed. "FUCK'S WRONG WIT' CHU?!" He shouted.
Loz just chuckled before grabbing a handful of Night's hair and tossing him to the floor. Night groaned in pain before he felt a knife go through his stomach, right in between his rib cage. His eyes widened in pain as he looked away. A wave of fear filled him as blood poured from his new injury and mouth.
"You're weak," Loz told him in a deeper voice that hid his accent. His eyes were wide, a murderous intent hidden beneath his purple eyes. A blank expression was on his face.
Night took a few sharp breaths before yanking the knife out of him. He stood up, holding his bleeding wound, knife in hand. The cryptid looked at Loz before swinging the blade at him. Loz easily dodged it, nonchalantly. Night groaned as he swung at Loz repeatedly. Every time, The Deco dodged the attack as if it was nothing. He had his arms crossed, yawning a bit to annoy Night.
The others -except End- were mortified. Tris covered Charlie's eyes, watching intently. Clyde held Bonnie close to him. Túmá and Lucy both seemed to be contemplating help. Ross just watched, concerned.
At this point, Loz now had the knife, carelessly stabbing at Night. He got bored with that, tossing the knife elsewhere. Abruptly, he tossed Night to a wall. A purple substance held Night against the wall. Loz's hands forced Night's mouth open, seeing exactly how wide his jaw could open.
As short as 14 seconds later, a loud crack was heard. Loz let go, the purple substance tightening around Night. They strangled his whole body, scaring him.
Loz snapped his fingers, the purple substance gone. He grabbed Night's head and broke it through the wall it lay behind. Before Night could do anything, Loz "dagger kicked" him in the stomach... Then again... And again... And again... And, of course, just until the rest of his body broke through the wall.
Once it did, Loz walked through the hole in the wall. Night tried to stand up, but failed. The pain was too much. Loz stared at the bleeding, bruised mess his brother was. Yet, he was apathetic...
Before he could break Night's bones, Clyde held him back. Loz slowly turned his head to face him, meeting the eyes of his worried, concerned uncle.
"Clyde... C'mon, let me go!" Loz laughed before adding, "Ion wan' 'urt cha too."
"Calm down, calm down... You're gonna fuckin' kill him at this rate! Ya wouldn't kill an innocent man, right?" Clyde asked, not caring if he got hurt.
"... Jus' usin' wh' ya taught me, tío," Loz replied in a low voice.
Clyde felt a pang of remorse. Thinking back at Loz's childhood, all he knew was pain and harming others. It was all he was taught. He truly didn't know any better. He was led to believe it's normal to harm your family.
Something came over him. He forced Loz's face against a wall, holding his wrists together. In his hand was a dagger.
Loz scoffed. "You borin'..."
Clyde didn't respond, trying his best to keep Loz there. Loz was fighting back, slowly making it harder for Clyde to keep him there.
Ross, Bonnie, and Lucy came into the room, taking in the scene they were greeted with. Ross went over to Loz, gesturing for Clyde to let go.
Clyde flashed him a look that read "Are you fucking crazy?!"
"Let him go," Ross demanded.
"Yeah, Cly', lemme go~!" Loz teased a hint of sarcasm in his voice.
Clyde scoffed before letting go and backing away. He turned around to see Bonnie and Lucy trying to help Night... But Night wouldn't succumb to them. Clyde tried to find something to aid the boy's bleeding wounds.
   Ross and Loz were face to face, Ross's hands on either side of Loz's face. Loz had his hands on Ross's waist, his thumb rubbing the human's muscled stomach. Whilst the touch made Ross blush, he maintained composure.
   "Loz... Calm down... Please..." Ross begged in a low voice.
   "Why should I~? 'M jus' 'avin' fun!" Loz argued in a frolicsome voice.
   Ross coerced Loz's head to Night's direction. Bonnie and Lucy were cleaning his wounds as Clyde bandaged them with what he found in a drawer. Night looked mortified, glaring at Loz.
   "What? 'M s'posed to feel remorse?" Loz asked in a rude tone.
   "... Look at him! Are you fuckin' blind?! That boy's traumatized outta his mind!" Ross scolded.
   Ross slapped Loz across the face as hard as he could. It left Loz stunned, rage slowly filling him. "¡Pinche pendejo!" Ross degraded.
   "... Dz'yew jus' fu'in' slap me?" Loz snarled, his voice deeper and menacing.
   The tone of voice startled Ross for a few seconds, but he ignored it the best he could. He saw Loz raise his fist to hit Ross. Before he could, Ross took a good kick at Loz's groin.
   The Deco looked at Ross, perplexed and unfazed. "... The 'ell?"
   Ross stared up at Loz, amazed and scared. He took another kick at his groin. Nothing, just more discombobulation in his eyes. His eyes widened slightly as he asked in a low voice, "Is that why he hadn't had sex yet?"
   Loz blushed, covering his face in his hands and letting out a deep groan. "... I... 'Ave 'z'hat'... Jus' can't feel pain z'here is all..." He whimpered in a low, embarrassed voice.
   "Oh... W-whatever, just go heal your brother!" Ross ordered, patting Loz's back. He was blushing a bit now, feeling stupid.
   The Deco sighed as he started to Night, holding his hands behind his back. As soon as his hand extended out to him, the cryptid flinched and covered his head. Loz grabbed Night's wrists and put his arms out of the way, placing two fingertips on Night's forehead. The pain went away, the cuts closed up, and everything went back to normal in his body.
   "Sorry or... Wh'eva'..." Loz said in a forced apologetic tone. It was false and Night knew it.
   "Jus' don't hurt me again for no reason." Night said. His jaw was fixed somehow...
   "'No reason'?! Ya pounced on me, bitch! Fuck was I s'posed tuh' do??? Cry like a bitch? 'Ell nah, ya wanted a fight, so I delivered."
   "Loz..." Ross put a hand on The Deco's shoulder. "Just don't."
   "... Ya should've succumbed in ze ring," Loz said to Ross in an icy tone.
   Ross's eyes widened and his pupils dilated. He knew what Loz was talking about. Before he could start an argument, he stormed out of the room.
   The four just stared at Loz, either disgusted, confused, or impressed.
   "You don't deserve such a good man, Loz. You're a shitty fuckin' person, and I hope you know that." Night said.
   Loz crossed his arms over his chest and glanced away, his purple eyes glossy. "I know."
   "And you don't even try to change..."
   "I know."
   "You've killed innocent people for fun, Loz. It's scary how you're able to sleep at night."
   "I know."
   "You know this is why humans make those 'myths' 'bout chu, right?"
   "I know."
   "Say something el-"
   "You're not my brother."

   "Dagger kicking"- Kicking someone with a strong force with the toe area of the shoe. Can either be used with the body straight or sideways to the person. Usually sideways. Phrase Loz made, often how he kicks whenever he does. Requires good balance, leg strength, and aim. Usually used when attacking the neck.

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