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15 AUGUST 2023

Recess just started.

Malachi's class is also out.

A group of boys are playing soccer and one of those boys are Brady.

Me and my friends are sitting on the bleachers, watching. And I'm definitely not staring at Brady.

My brother Paxton is standing near, admiring. I think he has a free period.

All of a sudden, a ball hits my head, "HOLY SHIT-" Kaitlyn says. "I'm okay!" I say.

I see Paxton run over and kneel down beside me, "you okay!?" He asks, concern all over his face. I see "that freaking Noon kid-" He says, I see Brady coming over. My stomach is doing a million backflips, holy shit.

Paxton gets up, oh shit, this is not gonna end well at all.

"Paxton- wait, leave i-" I say, but Paxton cuts me off, "the fuck is your problem." He says, grabbing Brady by the neck.

"I-" Brady speaks up, but Paxton doesn't give him a chance to speak. "You little shit!" Paxton says. "Paxton! Just leave it." I say, knowing that he's not gonna cooperate.

Paxton yanks Brady closer to him, "Why did you do that, you hurt her." Paxton yells, uhm, isn't he a teacher? "Paxton! Leave it! I'm fine!" I say, he looks at me but ignores me.

"Paxt-" I say, but get cut off by someone interrupting me. "The hell is going on over here?" I look over and see Brady's brother, Connor I think.

I guess his class was also out for Recess. In each grade, one class is out. "This little shit decided to kick the ball at my sister." Paxton says. "I-It was by accident!" Brady says.

"He looks like he's shitting himself. Damn, what has Brady Bouncy Boobs got himself into?" Anna whispers in my ear.

"Get your freaking hands off my brother, I don't care if you're a teacher, you're not supposed to touch him." Connor says, prying Paxton's hands off of Brady. But Paxton still has a grip on his t shirt.

"Paxton, I'm completely fine, and besides it was an accide-" I say, but get cut off by someone. "What's going on!?" I look over and see, Malachi. He likes drama, I swear.

"Your little friend decided to kick the ball at my sister-" Paxton explains, "W-wait, which ball?" Malachi asks. The fuck does he mean by which ball?!

"Malachi? What!? What do you mean which ball-" Paxton asks, clearly confused. Paxton still had a bit of a grip on Brady. "It was an accident! I came here to check on her, and she's oka-" Brady speaks up, but Paxton cuts him off. "I'm coming for you, Noon." Paxton threatens, before shoving Brady towards Connor. "I won't let that happen-" Connor says.

"I still want to know which ball-" Malachi asks, "The soccer ball, you dum dum! What other ball!?" Kaitlyn shouts. "The balls that's attached to Brady's body, but he got none-" Malachi says.

"Dude- what the fuck?" Paxton says.

"I-I need to go-" Brady says, he then starts walking fast away. "Hey Bray!" Connor shouts, running after him. "I need some popcorn for this-" Malachi says, earning a smack to the head from Kaitlyn.

"Look what you did, Paxton! Scared him enough to make him run away!!!" I yell. "Come on, Ave- you know I can't control my anger when it comes to things like this-" Paxton says, "Just leave it, Paxton!" I snap and run after Brady aswell. "AVERY! WAIT! GET BACK HERE!" Paxton yells.

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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