she shows you the icdiwabh transition 💕

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gracie was the opener for my eras show awhile ago and i didn't know anything cuz i've never listened to her before and im going to eras tour again and she's my opener again and now im a gracie girly so i'll actually know her songs this time. like that's so cute and so full circle

try not to say mommy challenge: level impossible

try not to say mommy challenge: level impossible

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it's ALLLL over the walls. my bedsheets are soaked. i'm bouncing and squirting and screaming and crying and shaking.

 i'm bouncing and squirting and screaming and crying and shaking

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real picture of me staring at her mommy milkers

omg when she opened with but daddy i love him i CRIED no one loves that song as much as me. i can't believe im gonna see it live. same w so high school

when i was watching that glitchy livestream and saw this transition for the first time. girl.

whenever you guys get really quiet and there's no comments on a certain part of an imagine i just KNOW it's cuz both hands are not on the phone

i rushed this so 🤗

taylor was getting ready to go to rehearsals for the eras tour, it was her first show since ttpd was released. she was doing her makeup, you getting dressed.

"you're gonna come with me, right?"

"of course, tay. i can't wait to see the new set in your show"

"i think you'll really like it"

she said, smirking at you.

"what is that supposed to mean?!"

"you'll see. i have a little surprise for you"

she winked at you as she put on her lipstick. you both finished getting ready and left the house. the whole car ride over you couldn't stop thinking about what the surprise might be.

"alright, we're here"

she opened your door, taking your hand and walking in with you. you sat down in the chair closest to the stage, taken away into her performance. it got to ttpd set, and you were so excited. she opened with but daddy i love her, which made you freak out. then she transitioned into so high school, making you freak out even more. she continued the set, shocking you with how intense the bridge and drums are for the smallest man who ever lived. she ended up laying on the stage, the emotion in her performance leaving you speechless. then 2 guys picked her up and carried her over to the couch. you intensely watched her. he unzipped her dress, you watched it fall to the ground. she had a sparkly black set on. your jaw dropped, staring at her. she pulled up the straps of her bra, making her boobs bounce. you watched the other guy put the jacket on her. then the icdiwabh music started, and she started singing. you couldn't even focus on her performance, you kept thinking about what she did before the song. you couldn't even hear the music, you were so busy thinking about all the inappropriate things she can do to you. the song ended and her and her dancers got water, getting off the stage. she pulled a hoodie and sweatpants on.

"alright everyone, great job today!"

she said. she reached for your hand, pulling you towards the door.

"you're done already?"

"mhm. it's just midnights and surprise songs, i don't have to rehearse that. i wanted to go home with you right after i showed you your surprise. did you like it?"

"oh my god tay, you're killing me. i'm gonna suffocate you with my pussy"

"please do"

she opened the car door for you. she sat in the drivers seat, putting her hand on your thigh. you felt butterflies in your stomach, thinking of all the things you two will do when you get home. taylor had the aux cord and played dress and so it goes, she knew exactly what she was doing. she pulled into the driveway, putting the car in park. you two ran inside, both of you growing impatient for each other. she slammed the door shut, pushing you against it. you stuck your hands in her wavy hair, pulling it as she attacked your lips. she sucked your tongue into her mouth, both of you moaning into each other. your tongues touched as your lips collided. she pulled your shirt off, her hands roaming your skin. she put her hands on your jeans, unbuttoning them. you kicked your shoes off as she dropped to her knees, pulling your jeans and underwear off. she kissed your thighs, you lightly moaning as her lips grazed your skin.

"wanna go upstairs, sweetheart?"

you eagerly nodded, her picking you up and carrying you up the stairs. you wrapped your legs around her waist, kissing her neck. she placed you on the bed, kissing your lips. she pulled away, taking her sweatpants and hoodie off, revealing her black sparkly outfit.  she grabbed you, roughly kissing your lips. her red lipstick smudging all over you.

"fuck, baby"

she mumbled. she took your bra off, her hands grabbing your tits. you moaned into her mouth as her thumbs rubbed your nipples. she pulled away and laid down, her head on the pillow. she pointed to her mouth,

"come here, baby"

you straddled her face, hovering over her. she grabbed onto your thighs, slowly pulling you down onto her mouth. your wet pussy rested on her tongue, you gasped as she licked your clit.

"fuck tay"

you breathed out, her lips closing around your clit. you held onto the headboard as she ate your pussy. she ran her tongue up your slit, your wetness and taste flooding her senses. her hand reached up, squeezing your breasts as her tongue swirled on your pussy.

"yes tay!"

you moaned, throwing your head back. she licked your clit faster, your pussy getting wetter. you started squirming around on her, her touch becoming overwhelming. she held onto your waist, forcing you to stay still.


you screamed as she pulled your pussy onto her mouth as much as she can. you started rocking your hips against her face, getting closer. she touched your tits again, making you see stars from how good she's making you feel. your thighs tightened around her head, a tightening in your stomach.

"fuck! tay, i'm gonna cum!"

"let it out, baby"

she mumbled into your pussy. you threw your head back, screaming as you released on her.

"fuck don't stop!"

you cried as she licked up your cum. she licked her lips, staring up at you. you whimpered as she kissed your swollen clit.

"i love you, baby"

"i love you too, tay"

you panted, getting off of her face.

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