I've been busy these last two months. And when I'm not busy, I'm hanging out with Drea. I know Aaron and Taylor told me to just criy it out and leave Benz alone, but I couldn't let him think he played me for pussy. I've been busy blowing up his trap houses. offing anybody that had anything to do with that man. I want it gone out this world . Hell I didn't even want to hurt his baby mama, but that bitch said something smart to me and I wasn't feeling it. The fact that the autopsy says that it was a bear attack that's fucking wild. I know everybody been looking for Benz and people thinking that his mom ran off with his daughter to save her. But all them motherfuckers tied up in the basement in a secret location. I'm been beating they asses. Every time I think I'm mad I beat his ass. His daughter is young enough to forget this, but I still don't trust her . I was gonna let his mama take the daughter and go, but you know what that bitch said to me, this ismy son I'm supposed to always have his back. I hope you do ma'am yo ass strung up right beside him like yall some meat in a slaughterhouse. I feel bad a little bit just for the daughter sake in my anger starting to dwindle. But I'm still sad, sad that I fell in love for the first time and I know I'm young , but it still hurt. He constantly pursued me, knowing my age, knowing I was fragile. I will sit on the phone for hours with Benson. We going back-and-forth telling each other our hopes and dreams before all This. I probably would've traded on my brothers for him just for him to trade on me. Damn, I have my breakdown in front of Dre and the boys. I couldn't even look them in their face, feel like no words that Drea tell me help for my pain will make it go away. I feel that everything that's happening Mike and Tina death .me finally meeting my parents and brothers. I think him sending that video was my breaking point. Hell I'm surprised I ain't burn this motherfucking city down. not even Taylor or Aaron knows where I'm hiding Benz and his family. They just know I took them. Drea thinks that her making plans and want to hang out with me will have me reveal the location. I know Aaron and Taylor told her know she's my distraction, but she's not distracted me enough.
At the secret location
Ky pours water on the Benz and his family waking them up.
Ky: hi ya folks
Benz : plz Ky baby let my momma and daughter go. They had nothing to do with this.
His mom and daughter just silently cried listening to Benz begging for their life. Their voices had went out weeks ago.KY: I offered for that bitch to leave but what did she say. She was gone stand by her son. Look what her son got her in.
Benz: I said I was sorry . Plz Ky
Ky: Benson , I don't fucking think you realize what is really going on. All you had to do was keep loving me, and I would've kept loving you. Baby, we could've killed my brothers, my father ,and my mother didn't give a fuck about them at that time. We could've been running shit, but you threw that away over some stupid ass beef, you're jealous stupid bitch. No we never could've worked because you would never want to see somebody in the same position as you or even better you let your stupid ass anger get a hold of you but baby guess what I'm just like you I let my anger get a hold of me too baby. I'm not mad anymore tho . I'm sad that this is how we ended . I would have rather you shoot at me than disrespect me. With that I turned and shot his daughter and his momma. Benz yelled No and cried.
Ky picked Benz head up and made him look at her.This is all your fault. You killed your little girl and your mom. Look ( Ky forced his face to look at his dead family). In another life time I hope we meet and you do me better baby.
With that Ky left him hanging and crying. She would be back to kill him later she wanted him to sit on what she said.
Ky made it home 20 minutes later walking in the dining room seeing her bio family sitting and waiting on her to come home.Ky: Hi
Drea: hey sweetie . We just sat down . Come eat
Ky: ok. How's everyone
A few fines and goods were heard around the table.
Dre: How's things going with you.
Ky smiled and replied: everything is better I have one more thing to do and I can be at peace and relax
Tyga: what's that . Let a bear goKy laughed hard thinking about Benz BM autopsy report. Everyone looked at her thinking she was crazy.
Ky: bruh wtf. Why would I have a bear( trying to hind her smile)
Trey: Benz BM died they say she died from a bear but everybody knows that not true.
Ky: Yea I know.
Dre: did you do it
Ky: Honestly...... yea , that bitch had it coming. I was out minding my business when she pulled up on me saying she knew I had something to do with Benz disappears and the bitch was causing a scene so I told her where he was and that I would take her to him.
Trey:wait . You know where Benz is.
Ky: yea but that's not the point
Chris: that's the biggest point for the past two months. Where is he? are you protecting him?
Aug: wait let her finish the story. How his BM get mauled by a bear
KY: thank you Aug. I took her to the woods and used a bear claw on that hoe. Shredded her like she was pull pork. That helped my anger a little. I feel bad cause I should've done it infront of him. And for your question yes I do know where he at and no I'm not protecting him. This situation is personal. I can give two fucks about yall school house beef.
Everyone sat in silence for a little bit until Drea changed the subject.Drea: sooo Ky are you ready for your birthday in a couple of weeks.
Ky: yes and no. Im excited to be turning 18 . But I'm sad that Mike and Tina aren't here to celebrate with me. I know the situation and I might have Stockholm syndrome but in a good way. I wish yall didn't burn down the house because a lot of photos and memories were in there. I would have love to show yall.Aug: I walked through the house wasn't really anything in there Ky
Ky: what you mean. That was my childhood home. We had pictures on the wall. my room was still in tack . Did you not see the pink room.
Aug: naw I personally walked through the house . I went to every room. I don't remember any photos on the wall and I did see a pink room but it was just a bed.
Ky: mmhm that's weird. Tina was an interior decorator. Our house was laid out. They kept pics I drew from when I was in kindergarten. Are you sure?
Aug: I promise you. I looked around to see how you were raised. Now that im thinking I didn't even see those karate belts Mike use to love so much.
Dre: maybe they was planning on running.
KY: no. Not without me. Mike would have said something and run from what. They weren't scared more regretful of the situation. I've known about yall since I was 10. Every year was an are you ready to meet yall moment. I don't think they would run. They didn't run the first time. I will call around tomorrow and see if he put it up in a storage or something.Dre: alright
Chris: if Mike and Tina were here and the events of a couple of months ago didn't happen. What would you have done differently.
Ky: well my time was done. Mike and Tina were going to come to Yall themselves. They gave me until I was 18 and then they were going to come to you. More so Drea. They weren't bad people they reason was bad but the outcome wasn't. I understand yall anger and that's why I'm not mad at yall for doing what yall had to do.
Aug: Then why you was fighting us and why for the past months you been excluding us out. You hang out with mom but don't pay us a mind.
Everybody sat quiet thinking on what August said. He spoke what all the boys felt especially Dre. KY took a moment to answer.Ky: Shame and um embarrassment. I little of anger. I feel like ever since we've been in contact my life isn't going like I wanted. I feel exposed. Not just with the video but even though yall say you ain't watch the video . I still can't put that behind me. I feel like I've had to explain myself more in these last couple months than I've had to explained myself in the past. Like that Benz situation I know it was wrong but I felt like why do I have to explain myself so much. Why can't we just leave something unspoken. I feel like everytime I step in yall presence I'm on trial for being myself. Drea at least see it as a woman point of view, but even that isn't enough sometimes. Why do I have to say this out loud. Somethings are best kept secret. This is why I really didn't want to meet yall because then I would have had to open up. I'm still trying to manage my teenage years. No I don't want anyone to fix it . I can do it myself. It's like every thing I tell yall Instead of just listening you deconstruct it into the worst thing. I can't even share happy memories with you without you guys saying something rude or mean. And and I just rather not deal with it. I know in my heart and mind that The things that yall do and say Mike would rather step into traffic than do or say to me.
With that Ky stood up and left the house. Leaving everyone else at the table to think on what she said.
Kidnapped By My Family
Humor17 years ago I was kidnapped by a man and woman who needed a kid and felt that my real parents had enough that I wouldn't be missed....... They were wrong. Very wrong and they knew it, so they prepared me for ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING.