The Sorrow Of Transformation

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Romeo to Raid TF/MC

Inspiration for this chapter!

Romeo was a 27 year old man who was the wife of Juliet much before she dissapeared

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Romeo was a 27 year old man who was the wife of Juliet much before she dissapeared. He even had adopted two daughters with her! That's a yay I guess!

But ever since Juliet's dissapearance, he was fired from work and then started drinking and started being abusive to his own kids! HIS CHILDREN!

And now, he is in now way, shape or form, someone that could save anybody at all, but then, he will soon get his karmic justice that he rightfully deserved.

One day, while he was berating his own children, Isabel (14) and Patricia (10), he then suddenly got a knock on his door! He told the girls to wait here.

He then opened the door, and it revealed it to be A PI- I mean a cop! But strangely, this cop was pale white and had a blue stripe on his uniform.

"Oh uh, officer! What might you be doing h-" Before he could say something, the cop then grabbed him!

Then the cops pulled out some handcuffs him and slot starts to take him away into the outside. He thought that this was all can't get worse than this!

But he was wrong...

The cop then takes Romeo away from the children, and all of a sudden...the cop's body had begun to shift shape and form, until the cop revealed himself to be...ANIMATIC! WOOOOOW! SUCH A SHOCKER EVEN AT THIS POINT!!! :O

"HELLO! MY NAME IS ANIMATIC!" Animatic happily greeted.

Romeo then realized that this was probably all over for him, so he might as well help the two people that were left in his life...his two girls...

He then screamed at his daughters, Isabel and Patricia, to run as fast as they they did, so he had actually saved them...

But then, the happiness doesn't last very long though, so Animatic had promptly grabbed ahold of Romeo's handcuffs, then ripped his arms off!

Romeo shrieks in pain as he then fell over, and his transformation begins...

Romeo felt his legs slowly turning thinner and thinner until they were basically sticks and then they had become pitch black.

He then felt his clothes becoming more and more tighter on his body, he could barely breath until...RIP! the clothes on him had just bursted open!

Now since he looked like a raid spray, he had suddenly felt a jolt to his manhood. When his manhood shriveled up, he was supposedly genderless, but he still felt like a male...

He felt his hair slowly transformation into the top part of a raid spray, then felt his nose and ears sink into his head as his eyes stung.

When he closed his eyes and opened them back up, they were small, white, and beady. His mouth then simplified into a line that was white too.

"Ack! What- did I just turn into an object!" Romeo screamed out.

"W-Why is this haAAAAAAAAAAGH!" Romeo screamed in pain when he felt the mental changes starting.

Raimeo felt memories of his childhood slowly fading away...high school? More like bye school. College? Nope. Relationships? No bitches now.

Raim then felt memories flooding into his head. He had then remembered that he was competing in Animatic Battle, on a team called benjamin!

Now, Romeo was gone...and Raid was here...

"Ow...huh? Oh! Uh, hi Animatic!" The new Raid happily said.

Animatic had then grabbed Raid and teleported him to the Animatic Battle world.

Meanwhile, Patricia and Isabel were now lost in the woods...lonely, and are now fearing for their lives...holing their dad was okay...


Patricia to Pepermint TF/TG/MC and Isabel (who is a big Animatic Battle fan, with her faveoite character being School ID) to School ID TF (no mental change)

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