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You're invited to our
Suma and Tengen!

Can't wait to see you.
Bring a plus one!

A woman with gradient blue curls looked down at the card as she smiled.
"My first wedding,"she smiled.

A male with flame hair sighed.
"Another one tengen..."he mutters.


It was a dark evening outing as a woman stumbled out of a building tiredly with a file of papers.

'Work is coming home with me again...'she thinks as she walks down the streets with a sigh. 'Need the vacation time though..'

It was a clear night sky her curls blew in the wind as she smiled looking up at the sky.

Life was good to her.
She had a good job. Her own apartment and good friends.

And maybe her family pressuring her to get married to a asshole but that's fine.

She's going to a wedding her first one and she was ready.

This was Sumi gekko. A 23 year old woman with her own goals and ambitions to go to wedding.

While walking she saw a male sitting on the side of the sidewalk with his hat upside down. Sumi looked in her purse and pull out a few ones she had and placed it in the hat and smiled "sorry it's all I had I hope you have a good evening"she said the male looked up and glared.
"YOU CALLING ME POOR!"he shouted standing. Sumi tensed. He reaked of alcohol even though it was early in the night. Sumi backed away in defense as she he storms closer to her.
"I-I uh assumed-"
"You assumed wrong just cause I'm wearing old clothes sitting near a trash can with my hat upside-"the male paused as he growls. He shoved her back the money and storms off.
Sumi looked down in embarrassment.
"Sorry..."she said softly as she kept walking.

The man grumbled a he turned a corner. A hand grabbed his neck and yanked him into the darkness.
His cries were silent as a figure turned to watch the woman.

Sumi sighed as she walked to a nice apartment going to the entrance.
"Hey keito "she said as the male smiled at her.
"Hi Ms. Sumi late night?"
"It's okay gotta get those hours I need to go to that wedding"she said.
"What's so great about a wedding? It's not fun if your single-"
"Well I can bring a friend it's a confession of love and wonder and it's so romantic"she sighed. Keito rolled his eyes.
"Kinda lame I'd rather so skiiing my nephew"he shrugged. "But you rest easy Sumi"
"I will"she smiled going into her room.

Being alone was nice but it would be nice to have someone. She would be the first to say. She loves love.

It's wants she craves and yerns for yet she keeps her feelings in check. She knows when she sees him he'll be the one.

Getting a call she answered as she got ready to settle in for the evening.
"Hi Sumi! It's your mother"said a older voice.
"Hi mom sorry i having been answer your calls it's been busy"
"Oh I get it gotta get those hours for the vacation to the wedding"she smiled. Sumi paused.
"How did you-"
"I remember how you talked on an on as a kid about weddings and now you're going to one! And it's one of your best friends. I'm sure you have a plus one right?"
"It's okay I already invited Tsukimei to join you-"
"What?! No mom-"
"He's so excited. Anyways I love you have a good evening bye bye"
The call ended as Sumi groans and sighed. She'll fix this in the morning.

After setting down and fixing her hair in her bonnet she got ready for bed. However as she headed towards her room she had an unsettled feeling. Her room was ominous. She could have swore she left the light on.
She grabbed a broom and held it up.
"W-whose there"

'Don't stutter you have to be brave'she told herself.

A low cackle was heard as a tall snakelike figured appeared in the doorway.

"It seems you found me quickly"it said. Before pausing seeing Sumi running the other direction towards the exit.

This was not a game she needed to go now.

Sumi continued to run before she felt herself pinned to the floor, her glasses falling off and skidding away from her.

"What a pretty looking thing you are~"he said "different from my usual meals~ it hard to find merchi..."
The creature licked her neck as she shivers.

Sumi squinted as she felt pressure on her back as she closed her eyes.

'Come on self defense classes!'

Sumi grabbed her and to twist it as the creature groans shifting up as she moved up pushing herself up with creature on her back and slamming it on the ground. Sumi fell back panting in shock of her own ability.

She's only ever done that in practice. Looks to seeing the creature already standing in anger.
"You brat!"it said as it charged. Sumi stumbled to get up.

A burst of flames erupted as she felt warm strong arms
Hold her while hearing a scream of agony. Sumi hid her face closing her eyes and enjoying the warmth she felt.

Sumi was always a cold person. People told hee and she was always needing a sweater or jacket.

But these arms were warm and safe. She wanted to be in them forever.

"You where quite strong I'm glad I came when I did however"said a voice. It was proud and bold. Opposite of her soft spoken voice.
She felt him back away as she opens her eyes. A blurt of flames with a smile stood in front of her.
"Are you alright?"the flames said. Sumi nodded.
"Yes...I think so"
"That's good"he said. She noticed a sheath as she looks behind her seeing no trace of the creature.
"It it gone don't worry but please wear this bracelet it will keep them at bay"he said handing her a purple bracelet with a flowers charm.
"Oh...thank you"
"Of course I will be off now"he said going to the balcony as he opens her door. Sumi follows.
"Wait!"she said. The flames stood on the rails of her balcony as he looked down
"Promise me you'll wear it at all times?"he said. His tone stern and serious. Sumi looked at the bracelet before nodding.

"That's my girl"he said before stepping back and legging himself fall.
Sumi rushed to the rails as she looked to see him gone. A frown fell on her face as she looks at the bracelet and puts it on.

"Who are you..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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