Chapter 2

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Erin sits on a stump a few meters away from the house. She dunks a rag into the bucket of lukewarm water and scrubs herself off before raising the bucket and dumping it over her head. Erin isn't fully naked, as there is little privacy in the colony. Reaching for a towel, she dries herself and stands up from the stump, walking up the skinny dirt path toward the house.

"Oh. Erin." She looks over to see Scout on the porch, about to knock on the door. "I was looking for you."

"What's up, Scout?" Erin jogs up the stairs and pushes past Scout and into the house. Scout follows after her toward Erin's bedroom.

"I--I..." She trails off, causing Erin to look back at her to see her nervously gripping her arm.

"Are you alright, Scout?" Erin turns to face her fully in concern.

"You're going to leave soon, right?"

Erin nods. "I need to get changed and head out."

Scout's eyes cast downward as she scuffs her boots on the wood floor. She finally speaks again, this time in a whisper. "Can I come?"

"No. No way. Not to Denver." Erin's voice becomes stern.

"Come on." Scout pouts. "I'm older now, and I can fight better now. How am I supposed to do any better if you won't let me come and learn?" Scout becomes more passionate as she speaks. "What if something bad happens, and I need to protect Skye and Bailey and Rylan?"

Erin sighs, putting her arm against the wall. She tucks her head into the crook of the arm as she makes her decision. Scout watches her expectantly.

"Fine." Erin finally looks up as she gives her answer. "But you listen to every word I say. No exceptions."

"Yes!" Scout jumps, fist-bumping the air.

"Go put something else on, Scout. Boots with treads, long pants, and pull your hair back if you can."

"Sure thing!" Scout yells out once more before running out of the house. Erin sighs before turning back to her room.


The two pull up to the gates of a large, fortified area. Tall watchtowers surround the property. Scout counts at least eight of them in total. The area around the walls is quiet. She wonders if the people behind the wall did a good job of clearing out the infected.

"We were sent by an NCR caravan." Erin yells up to the tower. "Mercenaries were requested."

Promptly, the gate is opened. A couple of people with guns come to greet them, directing Erin to the front of the hospital. The two ride towards the enormous building, driving slowly. Erin can't help but notice how well the colony is doing. Strong walls, crops in the fields as far as the walls go, horses roaming in an extensive field, healthy-looking people walking around doing their duties. She thinks to herself how she wouldn't mind moving her family to a colony like this, where life could be easier for them. But she would always worry about the colony being a bigger target compared to their small colony. She eventually comes to the conclusion that she shouldn't move them, even if winters in the mountains are hard.

Erin turns the bike off as they arrive at the front of the hospital. She waits for Scout to dismount before swinging her leg over. "Stay with the bike until I get this figured out." She steps towards the reinforced doors before stopping. "Show me you have your pistol."

"I already did." Scout pouts.

"Humor me, Scout."

Scout sighs before lifting up her shirt slightly, showing off the pistol in its holster.

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