dump :3 (a shitaki ton of gulb/sage/sock lol)

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Intertwined children (I DONT KNOW HOW TO CHARACTERIZE)

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Intertwined children (I DONT KNOW HOW TO CHARACTERIZE)

Intertwined children (I DONT KNOW HOW TO CHARACTERIZE)

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college ship lol (Brittney can go die in a ditch.)

speaking of TS THE BABIES + redraws :)

speaking of TS THE BABIES + redraws :)

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Apple was telling me that Gulvic infront of a tv is apparently nudity and I am so confused

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Apple was telling me that Gulvic infront of a tv is apparently nudity and I am so confused. It asked if I wanted to talk to someone. HELP IS ANYONE ELSE SEEING THESE??


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lol redraw :D

since FTS4 is officially hiatused/replaced with OCTS4, I can confidently say this is no longer "canon" so I leave it up to you to use this information as you please :3

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since FTS4 is officially hiatused/replaced with OCTS4, I can confidently say this is no longer "canon" so I leave it up to you to use this information as you please :3

since FTS4 is officially hiatused/replaced with OCTS4, I can confidently say this is no longer "canon" so I leave it up to you to use this information as you please :3

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another redraw because I was bored lol (he's fine)

I think that's it, nothing much else that I can show :)

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