Chapter 3

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After my dad left my room i just started scrolling on tiktok. And like always Walker pops up. Ugh why can't he just leave me alone! I know it's not his fault it's his fans but still!

I got a facetime from Lillian and I answered immediately. "Hey pookie!" I say as the facetime connected. "Hey girll!" Lillian said to me. "I got a question." She continued with. "And I got an answer." I say to her.

"Why were you with Walker?" She asked me making my eyes go wide. "What?" I asked her. "I saw a twitter article of you and walker together." She said.

"I-I mean i bumped into him and we got into an argument. What did the article say?" I asked her quickly.

"Here let me send it to you." She said.


breaking news!
Walker Scobell and Haven Reynolds seen together after years of not talking!
Some say they were holding hands while others say they were fighting. Are they finally fixing their relationship or did they get to together and ruin it anymore?


"um what the fuck." I say while reading the article. "So what really happened Haven." Lillian asked me. "Ok so I went on a walk bumped into him by accident fell to the ground and he helped me up and then we got into an argument." I explained to her.

I quickly type in the comments asking to please take it down. I saw a comment by walker also asking to take it down. If we're being honest he's probably asking to take it down to keep his reputation good. Because being seen fighting with Ryan Reynolds daughter doesn't sound right.

"Ok." Lillian said. "Thats all i wanted to ask. I love you Haven and i'll see you at school tomorrow!" Lillian said to me. "I love you to lils and i'll see you tomorrow!" I say back to her.

After she hung up there was knock on my door. "Hey Haven?" I heard my dad ask. "Yeah dad?" I asked back.

He opened the door and showed me his phone. "Why didn't you tell me you saw Walker again?" He asked me. "I-I just didn't think it was a big deal." I say to him. He looked at his phone "Seen holding hands and then fighting? Haven that seems like a big deal." He said to me.

"Ok yes I saw him and yes we got into an argument." I say to him while rolling onto my back. "What about?" He asked me. "I don't want to say." I say back to him.

"Ok. What about the hands part?" My dad asked me. "When I bumped into him I fell down and he helped me up." I say back to him. "Ok." Was all he said.

He then walked out of my room. Man today has been insane. I decided to take a shower and the. get my backpack ready for tomorrow. It's my first day of my sophomore year so i want to be ready.

So I quickly take a shower and then start packing up my backpack.

After that I laid down on my bed and checked my phone I saw that it was 6:27 PM so I went downstairs to get something to eat.

I makes myself a quesadilla and then went back upstairs to eat. As I was eating I was just scrolling on instagram. And as i'm scrolling I got a follow. You will not believe from who. Walker fucking Scobell.

hey guysssssssss it's been a long time since i've uploaded i know but here's another chapter. it isn't the best but i tried!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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