Way to the new home- Begging arc

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Anix followed Kaito to a car, and the driver looked confused before rolling down the window, "Mr Kaito! They never said you could bring anyone, even if they want to become heroes!" The driver said, his voice demanding

"Rules are meant to break... well sometimes" Kaito says, his voice calm and serious, Anix entered the car and looked at the driver with a sad face still, then she stretched her hand to him, "My name is anix, may I know yours?" Anix asked, her voice shy

The driver looked hesitating before taking anix hand and shaking it with a sigh, "I'm George, one of the many drivers from the hero facility." The driver, now revealed to be George, said

Anix nods before looking out at the window, "So where are we heading?" Kaito asked george as the car started,  "to the roads, we are going back to Tokyo, sir. " George said, anix eyes light up as she hears the destination

"Tokyo! I always lived in the outside of it but never went inside to the big cities!" Anix said, her shyness now replaced by excitement, Kaito chuckles and looks at anix, "Never been to tokyo? then you're in for a ride, " Kaito says with a smile

As the car starts to go into the roads, anix gets lost in her mind, thinking of what to do with her new life of hero, "so what's your power anix? I heard something about explosions, " Kaito asks as he looks at anix hands full of ashes

Anix quickly wipes her hands in her clothes, "I can make any stuff I touch explode, it hurts a lot" anix says with a smile, Kaito chuckles at anix reaction, "what about you Kaito? What's your power?" Anix asks

Kaito smirks and looks at anix, "I can manipulate shadows give me your hand" Kaito says, anix extends her hand, Kaito smiles as anix hand shadow begins to move, "see, I canmanipulate your shadow" Kaito says with a proud voice

Suddenly, the car abruptly stops, "Mr Kaito, we have a problem look" George says as he points in front of the car at the end of the traffic line, at the end there is a pair of robbers robbing every car in the line

"Perfect! Anix, this will be your first mission! Go and stop them, if you need help I'll be here " Kaito says with a serious tone, anix looks surprised at Kaito, "Me?! I don't even know how to use my powers yet!" Anix exclaims

Kaito smiles and pushes anix off the car, anix falls to the ground and stands up before walking towards the robbers, "idiot, I'll probably die here" anix murmurs to herself as she approaches the robbers

"Hey, stop there, or something like that!" Anix yells, her voice filled with fear, the robbers looking start to laugh, "You think you can stop us? You're just a girl!" A robber says as he points his gun at anix

Anix steps back a bit, frozen on place with a scared face. One of the robbers hits an old man with his gun as he grabs the money, the old man begging to cry, wakes anix up from the freezing

"I... said, Stop!" Anix yells as her powers come out by instinct, she grabs a cone, and explodes it making a distraction, the robbers stunned start looking around the place

Meanwhile in the car Kaito and George watch impressed at the scene, "I told you she was a good one" Kaito says, George nods as he looks at the scene unfolding in front his eyes

Back at the fight, anix attacks a robber from behind, making his gun explode and blinding them for a short time. One of the robbers start to shoot everywhere,  anix quickly hides behind a car

At the car, Kaito gets out of it, "That's my call. As soon I inmobilize them, call the police, " Kaito says as he approaches the robbers, George nods as he prepares his phone

Kaito quietly but fast disarm the robber and uses his shadow abilities to control the robbers shadows, the robbers shadows under Kaito control grab the robbers feet making them impossible to move

Anix hears the shooting stop and comes out of the car, "is it over? I don't know what happened. I just sensed this energy around my body and used it to my advantage" anix says as she walks beside Kaito back to the car

"That anix, was your powers, you activated them by instinct" Kaito explains, soon the traffic moves away and the police pick up the robbers, George starts the car again and they start their way to tokyo once again

End of chapter two, beginning arc

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