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"I can't even trust u now." Teara said.

"Nigga u buggin." He said grabbing his phone.

"First of fucking all. Do not call me a nigga. Bitch the fuck." She replied walking upstairs.

"WHO U CALLING A BITCH?" He yelled running after her.

She slammed the door in his face and he opened it.

"Ohhh!! Now u slamming doors?!?!" He said yelling.

"FUCK YES." She yelled.

He grabbed her face and said, "Who fuck u yelling at Teara?"

"You my nigga" She replied looking away.

He turned her face to his.

"Don't look ova dere. I'm right here." He said, staring at T. [T= Teara]

They stared at each other for 1 minute, and Kay kissed her.

"STOP. Everything we argue, we have sex after. " She said.

"Wanna do sun else?" He asked, kissing her neck.

"Yeah." She replied, laughing.

"What?" He asked.

"I dunno." She replied.

"Let's go out to eat. I'm for real hungry." He said

"Sure." She said, walking away.

They both got dressed and 5 minutes later and drove to a restaurant.

He got out of the car and went to her side of the car and opened her door.

"Ty bae." She said, smiling walking

"Of course." He replied, holding her hand walking inside.

They walked inside and told the lady their names and stuff.

"Follow me." The smiling lady said.

They then followed her and sat down.

"I'll be back to take yalls orders." She said, walking away.

"So..you like this restaurant?" Kay asked, smiling.

"Yeah." T replied, smiling back.

"You're so beautiful." He said, grabbing her hand.

"Thank you, handsome." She replied, blushing.

[15 minutes later]

"OK, what would u like?" The lady asked.

"Can I have the steak and potatoes, please?" Teara asked.

"Of course, and for u, sir?" The lady asked.

Kay just stared at her. While biting his lip.

A/n: I need a moment of silence 😱.

She bit her lip back.

But Teara was on her phone, so she wasn't paying attention.

"Ima go to the bathroom." T said, getting up and walking away.

"You got a number?" Kay asked.

"Yeah, it's **********." She said.

"Ight I got it." He said smiling.


"OK, I'm back," Teara said.

"Alr bae." Kay said.

They waited for their food, but Teara noticed Kay smiling at his phone.

"Whatchu smiling at?" Teara asked, smiling.

"Nun." He replied.

"Mhm.." teara said.

20 minutes later

"Here you guys go." The waiter said.

She handed them their food and walked away.

"Thanks," both of them said.

10 minutes later.

They finished eating, and Kay paid for the food, and they left the restaurant.

𝐊𝐀𝐘 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐊 𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐔𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now