run, tsumu, run

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y/n woke up with a start the next morning to two eerily familiar voices coming from downstairs. the twins, she groaned internally.

a disadvantage, at least to y/n, about living just one door awwy from her cousins, was that they were everywhere, all the time. in her living room, in her backyard, in her bedroom even! samu was fine because he could be quiet. tsumu, on the other hand, could not.

it was pretty much the same situation at school, too. it's why she started avoiding them in the first place.

she was startled out of her thoughts when there was a knock, then a head peeking at her door. it was samu.

"hey, yer mom said if ya don't get down in ten minutes, yer going to school without lunch." he said casually, as if he hadn't just dropped a bomb on her, the slowest person to ever get ready ever.

"what, samu!" she yelled but it was futile, he was already gone.

y/n had no choice but to get up and speed through her morning routine, running around her room like a madman while narrowly missing the short bathroom door frame. sometimes she wished she could shrink a centimetre shorter just to avoid the thing.

wait, she's just gotta stop getting distracted. her lunch is at stake here!

the panicked girl ran down the stairs to see three people at the dining table. her mother, happily feeding osamu, osamu, happily being fed by her mother, and lastly, atsumu, who looked like he set a timer for her arrival.

"aw man, i was three seconds away from getting yer lunch, y/n-chan!" atsumu, the dumbass, exclaimed.

"too bad, tsumu!" y/n stuck your tongue out at him as she swiftly retrived her lunch box from under his hungry gaze. "this is mine, all mine!"

"honey, share with your cousins." her mother playfully scolded from her seat next to osamu, who was frustratingly still eating what seemed to be y/n's breakfast.

"whatever, i'm leaving for school. see you later, mom!"

it took exactly six minutes for the twins to come tumbling out the door after her. it was a new record; last time, it took them eight.

the cousins started walking down the familiar path to school in silence, that was sometimes disturbed by playful banter.

"oh, y/n-chan, did you get your captain's permission for the practice match this afternoon?" samu suddenly inquired.

the girl in question nodded as she broke out into another yawn. she might have spent last night dreaming about the attractive customer from the day before that she barely got any decent sleep. not that she would ever admit to it, of course.

the teens went on their phones for the rest of the walk to school.

the teens went on their phones for the rest of the walk to school

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to say astumu looked scared would be an understatement. the poor guy looked terrified and ran straight for the school gates, only to be scolded by the student council president.

the schemers, on the other hand, walked leisurely behind him. snickering as they went, knowing they traumatized the blonde setter.

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