The beginning of a new friendship (Part6)

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Milan Tony cookie and mew are in the skatepark as usual and milan thought,

Milan: Guys what if we go over too Lynn and Niszura at the farm

Cookie: idk

Tony: Hmm okay great idea!

Milan gets in his yellow car and drives with Tony and cookie too the farm!

Milan: we're here!

Cookie: Great!

They walk over too Niszura and Lynn, spider was there too!

Lynn: hey guys!

Milan: Heya, just came here for a quick chat!

Lynn: thats nice!

Nis is drawing!

Lynn: well what you wanna chat about!

Spider: yea!

Milan: me Tony and cookie we're in the skatepark!

Lynn: awesome!

Niszura shows her beautiful art too Lynn!

Lynn: beautiful nis!

They all lay in grass and hay staring at the beautiful sun!

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