lunch at inarizaki

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it was when the trio reached the school building that they finally split up. they were all going to their respective volleyball gyms for early morning practice.

inarizaki vbc (boys & girls)

nakamoto sera
hey guys!
just a heads up that the boys & girls
teams will have a prac match today
after school!
liked by all

kita shinsuke
@ gymnasium 3
liked by all

y/n stepped into the club room to change out of her uniform and into her sports attire.

"good mornin', y/n!" exclaimed the girls' team captain and y/n's best friend, nakamoto sera.

"aw man, you're here before me again? i thought for sure i'd win today." y/n complained childlishly.

"maybe one day, y/n, but not today." the other person in the club room, nishimura haya, said good-naturedly.

the girls finished changing and headed to the gym with determined faces. it was their first practice match with the boys' team for this year and they were prepared to win it.

y/n was upset when she realized that she'd never seen the guy from the bookstore during their previous practice matches.

'maybe he just wasn't present during them... during every single.. practice match.' and they've had a lot. but something in y/n was convinced that she'd see that guy again, whether he attended the same school as her or not. maybe he played volleyball at a different school. 'wait, just because he's tall doesn't mean he plays volleyball!'

the girl's inner turmoil was disrupted by her teammates halting in their steps in front of her. they had arrived at the gym.

after totally annihilating morning practice, y/n went back to the main school building for her classes, and if she peeked through a couple classrooms in hopes of finding her mystery hot guy, then that's her business and nobody else's.

she attended her classes as usual, it would take more than a guy to get her to lose her focus. especially for her academics.

nevermind, scratch that. bookstore guy was walking through the inarizaki halls!

y/n was right after all. hot guy is from inarizaki! but maybe not on the volleyball team, if she's never seen him before. basketball team, maybe?

"l/n-san, if you find the hallway more interesting than learning algebraic equations, you're free to step out of the lesson." the teacher in front pointedly remarked causing the said student to straighten up and turn her attention back to the board. "no, teach, sorry."

there were laughs scattered across the classroom before the teacher resumed his lecture, effectively silencing them which y/n was thankful for.

for the first time in her life, she found herself anticipating the lunch break. she always found inarizaki's to be way too long, it made her feel unproductive but now, she finally had something to do and she was deadset on doing it.

operation look for hot guy will commence after she eats the delicious bento her mom packed (and tsumu nearly stole.)

...or so y/n thought.

for some reason, all the first years on her team had wanted to talk to the vice-captain about volleyball because they were too scared to talk to the captain herself, leaving y/n absolutely no time to loiter around and look for the guy.

y/n changed her mind. inarizaki should definitely think about extending their lunch times.

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