7th Prince Meets Master Magician

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'I could be studying magic right about now...'

In a royal study room, located inside the castle that no doubt belongs to a royal family, a young blue-haired boy, about 7 years old, looked incredibly bored and unamused. He was forced to watch and pay attention to his tutor, who was currently teaching the ways of being a proper prince and how to do royal things.

'I mean, I appreciate the pros of being the Prince, having wealth, resources, and of course, a personal library filled with so much magical knowledge.'

The child was known as Lloyd De Saloum, the 7th Prince to the crown, and he was someone known for always practicing and learning everything related to magic ever since he was born.

'But jeez, doing stuff that actually involves you being a proper royal Prince, it's so exhausting.'

Which was why Lloyd was very disappointed and unhappy to be forced to learn something that he had zero interest in.

'I just wish there was something to distract me from this boring moment of my life...'

But luckily for Lloyd, instead of suffering and dying from absolute boredom, he suddenly tensed up and looked out the window with wide eyes, as if sensing something that caught his full attention and interest.

'Oh? This magic, it's so...'

"-And with that, as you see, being a Prince is more than just- Lloyd? Where did you go?"

The tutor was about to ask Lloyd a question and teach more lessons about being a prince, but just as they were about to talk to the young boy, they stopped and looked very startled once they realized that the blue-haired child was gone.

"Useless, useless, useless."

Inside a public library, well, inside a nearly destroyed library, a certain familiar magic man could be seen looking through multiple books and Tomes, all of them about magic, yet each one that he looked through was completely pointless, making him very upset to not find something of use.

"All of this knowledge of magic is nothing more than children's picture books."

After Hex threw away all the books after finding nothing, he turned around and glared at a librarian, who attempted to sneak away, but unfortunately didn't get far before the Professor of Magic aimed his "Staff of Ages" at the librarian and used some kind of telekinetic magic to bring him close to himself.

"You! Reveal to me your most advanced and sacred of Tomes."

The Librarian was about to scream and yell out for help, but was slapped by Hex, which did shut them up and could only look at him in fear.

"Don't bother wasting your breath, I cast a spell to not only prevent anyone from hearing your screams but also make the outside world unable to enter this pathetic excuse of a library."

Hex grabs the face of the librarian forcefully and forces them to look into his narrowed and dangerous expression and eyes.

"Now tell me what I want to know, before I place a curse on you..."

"Can you place a curse on me instead?~"

However, before Hex could continue to interrogate the librarian, both were interrupted by a certain childish voice. Both turned around and were met with Lloyd himself, who looked down at them from above with a very curious and excited expression.

"Impossible, no one should be able to bypass my barrier..."

Hex tossed away the librarian and looked at De Saloum with a shocked and confused face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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