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Destiny's POV

Okay so to say I had this match easy would be an understatement. I was facing Rhea Ripley in a title shot that truly I was just handed but that won't stop me from giving it my all. Especially when my Uncle Cody has his match right after me.

"Rhodes to the gorilla," I heard TJ call as I hurried over. "Good luck." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath blissfully unaware of how my life was about to change as I heard my music hit.

Third Person

Destiny walked through the curtain and let out the breath she was holding as she did a little spin on the stage and pyro went off behind her. "Making her way to the ring weighing in at 145 pounds from Dallas Texas, The Daydream Diamond Rhodes!" Pat screamed into his microphone. "Well funny how you put the emphasis on her last name," Cole said after him "Diamond of course the granddaughter of the Hall of Famer the late Dusty Rhodes. Looking to earn her first title here in WWE on the main roster against Rhea Ripley." Diamond climbed in the ring starting across to Rhea shaking out her arms. "You got this Destiny" she told herself as the bell rang.

The lock up was quick. As soon as her hands were on the champ Diamond started connecting with high knees to Rhea's midsection. Only to land on her back thanks to a shove from the Aussie native for her efforts. This is fine, Diamond thought as she slowed her pace. "I believe Diamond is going to go for an endurance match Pat," Cole said as Diamond rolled out of the ring. The ref started the count.



Rhea climbed out of the ring and made a beeline for the third generation wrestler. The blonde side stepped her before grabbing her tights and shoving her into the steel steps. This had the champ dazed so Diamond picked her up and forced her back into the ring setting up for the pin.

One... Rhea kicked out. Of course Diamond knew this was the case and went of the offensive. She closed line the female of Judgement day sending her flat on the canvas. She would go for a cross face submission hold. Only for Rhea to power out of it. Diamond was quickly hit with the riptide.



"Diamond kicks out at two!" Pat and Cole screamed into their microphones. "Rhea is pissed." Diamond had just barely kicked out from the pin and Rhea was getting frustrated.


Closing Moments of the Match

"The Judgement Day is here," Finn, Damian, and Dom were surrounding the ring as Rhea stalked Diamond. The Rhodes shrugged it off and went to hot shot Finn off the ring apron before using the ropes to catapult herself over Rhea who was closing in on her. This put her in front of Priest whom she super kicked off the apron. Laughing as Rhea's face seemed to pale at the fact she is standing her own even through she was out numbered Diamond pointed to Dom. "Oh what does Miss Rhodes have in mind?" Cole asked.

Diamond kicked Rhea in the gut before taunting Dominik, "poor Mami" she said before hitting a move she called the Shattered Dream, a spiral DDT like her uncle Cody's cross Rhodes into a Samoan drop. And she covers for the pin never breaking eye contact with Dom.



Three. The bell was rung. "Here's your winner and new Women's Champion the DayDream Diamond Rhodes!" Samantha called into the microphone as Destiny was handed the belt.

Holding the belt up, her uncle's music hit signaling the homecoming of the American Nightmare and a celebration for the Nightmare family as Cody made his was to the ring.

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