Skyfall / The Boys

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TITLE: Skyfall
OC: Lorri Butcher / Andy Bates
FANDOM: The Boys

TITLE: Skyfall OC: Lorri Butcher / Andy BatesFANDOM: The Boys

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- Lorri Butcher, the older sister of Billy Butcher and Lenny Butcher

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- Lorri Butcher, the older sister of Billy Butcher and Lenny Butcher.

- She is portrayed by Bryce Dallas Howard.

- Lorri is very alike her mother, Connie, loving and encouraging. She was always responsible and was willing to take care of Billy and Lenny, even if it meant getting herself in trouble.

- One day, Lorri had went out the house for a walk, promising Billy and Lenny to bring something back but then, hours later, she never turned up.  It was like she vanished in thin air.

- When Billy grew older, he tried to find Lorri, searching for years, months, weeks for any sign of her. Not even a single word came from their father's mouth but only mourning from their mother. Billy then gave up looking for her, after assuming she had died.

- Years have passed, Lenny and Lorri was out of the picture. Yet, one day, Grace Mallory had given him a piece of paper with an address, a location that was locked up and secure, telling him that her presuming older sister was alive.

Will I ever publish this?:
definitely...maybe. because I need work on the plotline and the whole
why she disappeared. but definitely will publish it at some point <3.

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